When the Church tries to take you

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               ° ° ° N o a h ° ° °

The zombie population was dropping, and so the Church needed to find more victims to increase the population once again.

"We're almost out of food.." Noah mumbled to himself. You heard him sigh and walked up behind him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. He smiled. "I'll go to the store right now." He thought for a moment then sighed, frowning and looking worried. "Just.. Stay safe, please. I know there aren't much zombies left, but still.." You smiled and nodded, heading out.

                         . . .

You sighed, looking around the store but finding everything either out of date or moldy. You heard slow footsteps coming from behind you, and said; "Who's there?" You were about to turn around until a hand clasped around your mouth and an arm around your waist, keeping you in place. You squirmed. "Shush, now."

P i s s e d m o d e a c t i v a t e d

You kicked him in the crotch, causing the dude to drop you and ran out of there, back towards the daycare.

You threw open the door and slammed it, gaining some of the ex-zombie's attention. Noah came out of the room, confused about the noise until he saw you and his facial expression turned worried. "It's the Church. Seems like they're abducting people now." "Did they-" "I'm fine, love."

You never went out alone ever again..

           × × × L a n c e × × ×

You and Lance got into an argument so he went out to get some fresh air. After about twenty minutes you headed out of the room to go find him and apologize, but you bumped into someone. Turns out you bumped into Eva.
"Oh, sorry." You said, going to walk around her but only to be stopped. "Um, what?" Eva cleared her throat and said; "Can you come with me, please?" You raised your brow in confusion but agreed.

She led you outside of the Church, and you began growing suspicious. Suddenly, you were pushed against the wall by Eva, who had a crazy look in her eyes. "What do you know?" She said, giving you a creepy smile. "K-know what?" Eva started laughing to herself. When her giggles died down, she spoke; "Don't give me that crap." "I.. R-Really don't know what y-you mean.. Can you please get off me?" She backed up and took a vile out of her pocket and giggled. "Do you know what this is?" She said, waving it around. "Huh? Do you?" Your eyes widened in realization. ..Zombie blood. "H..how?.." She giggled again and opened the cap. "Now tell me what you know before you go "bye bye"." You scowled. "I don't know what you're talking about." She stepped closer and you can feel her breath on your face. You gagged a little.

She was about to drop some on you until the two of you heard a voice. "You know, you should really use your brain more instead of messing with my girlfriend." Eva turned around and had a look of terror on her face. "H-how long have you been there?" "Long enough. Now I advise you to step away." He said, all the while having a smirk upon his face.

Eva gulped and ran off, without looking back.

You were finally able to apologize to him, and the three of you left the Church to find the safe-zone.

         ~ ~ ~ S a m a n t h a ~ ~ ~

You were headed to John's office to ask him a question, but bumped into Samantha on the way there. She smirked and crossed her arms. "And where do you think you're going?" You playfully rolled your eyes. "I'm heading to John's office. I need to ask him about something." Her smile dropped. "Remember, don't trust him." You nodded and continued on your way.

When you reached his office the door swung open. John looked surprised to see you but gave a smile nonetheless. "Oh, hey (Y/n)." "Um-hey. I was wondering-" "Ah! I see. Follow me." ..He was definitely sus. How did he know what you needed..?

You followed after him and into a room. He then brung out two glasses and filled them with a black liquid. "So, what do you need?" He asked, picking up his glass. "Someone told me to give this to you." You took a folded piece of paper out of your pocket and gave it to him. He took it and opened it with his free hand. When he was done reading it he made a 'hm' noise and put it in his pocket. "Thank you for giving me this." He said. You smiled and slowly brought the glass to your lips.

Right when you were about to take a sip, you heard loud commotion coming from right outside the door. John sighed and set down his glass. "Excuse me.." You nodded and he walked out the door.

Right as the door shut, the window opened and Samantha fell in. "Sam- What the hell?" "I thought I told you not to trust anything!" She whisper-yelled. You gulped and set down the glass. "Let's go before he comes back!" She slid one leg through the window and held out a hand for you to take. You took it right as the commotion stopped and she hoisted you up, helping you get out. John's footsteps became louder as she swung her other leg out of the window and jumped onto the ground. She closed it and grabbed your hand, hugging you and whacking you in the back of the head. "That's for being an idiot." You nervously laughed.

            ¤ ¤ ¤ S h a n e ¤ ¤ ¤

You were following that wretched old lady since she was acting suspicious. She turned a corner and didn't see her anywhere. You got confused and thought you lost her, giving up and turning around. Your heart leaped out of your chest when you figured out where she went..

She pushed you up against a wall and took out a vile filled with red liquid. "You know it's rude to be following people! Absolutely disrespectful!" She opened the cap and you squirmed. "Hold. Still!"

You managed to escape her grasp and ran out of there and back to the Church. You basically slammed into yours' and Shawns' room. ..Shawn fell off the bed. "Shawn we need to leave. Now." Ella sat up, yawning. "Why.." You picked her up and waited on Shawn. "We're going somewhere special." You said, reassuring her. She nodded on your shoulder.

When Shawn finally got up, he gave you a questioning look. Once you whispered to him of what happened, he immediately grabbed your hand and exited the room, knocking on everyone's door. Once everyone was outside, you all headed to the safezone.

Lol a random AN. I was meaning to type in 'antisepticeye' and it came up with 'antidepressants'. I t h i Nk T H e R e ' s S O m e T h i n g W r O N g -

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