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"Mr. Spire, are you sure you're up to this? You have only just recovered, after all," Authus asked Blaze.

"No, this needs to be told, while it's still fresh in my mind," Blaze responded calmly, staring out the window on the hovering city below him. It was a city he only formally knew. It was completely unfamiliar to him at this point.

"Did you know I've heard about you before? From stories my mother used to tell me as a kid. I didn't think it all really happened though."

"It did...unfortunately," Blaze mumbled with a heavy sigh.

"All of it?"

"The original story has been distorted, but yes, its mostly true."

"Well, that's what I want to do today. I want the real story, I want to know what actually happened," Authus said enthusiastically, his fingers ready on his sphere-shaped holographic keyboard.

"I understand, that's honorable...How should I start?" Blaze muttered in a strange sadness that Authus couldn't fully understand.

"From you're own perspective, and from the very beginning. Don't worry I have time on my hands, and I'll record every word; I'm ready."

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to belittle you, I really don't... but I don't think you'll ever be ready. Not for this," Blaze sighed grimly, trying his best to suppress the emotions of his past, though a tear managed to seep through his mental reserve and drop onto the metal windowsill.

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