The choice

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Later that night when Maxon is working I pack up Luca and I's stuff and leave a note on Maxon's bed. I walk out the palace doors with tears streaming down my face. "Why are we leaving dad?" Luca asks. "Because sweetie it's very hard on him with us here and I can't put him through that. You won't understand until you are older." He looks sad.
Maxon's POV...
After I finish work I go to my room to put some papers away and then I see a little paper on my bed. I read it. America's leaving! I run out my room as fast as I can to the doors of the palace so I can go after her. The guards try and stop me because it's late but I don't listen. I'm still holding the note in my hand. I see her...barely but I see her! "America!" I yell. "America!" I yell again. She turns around and shakes her head. I can see that she's crying. I start running towards her. I finally make it to her. "What is this?" I ask holding up the note. "Maxon I can't stay here, " she says still crying. "Why? Because my father caned you?" I ask. "No." "Then what?" I ask confused. "I can't put you through that again. Your father will hate you as long as you're with me. He will hurt you and I couldn't bare that Maxon, " she cries. "America I would go through hell if it meant us being together!" I say loudly. "Maxon-" "America please don't leave. I need you and I need my son-our son. America if you leave you will die. Those people will find a way to use you as leverage or just in spite and kill you. That would kill me America. I'd rather die than have to live without you!" "Maxon..." her voice trails off. "I love you America, " I say. She looks at me. I kiss her...harder than I ever have before. When we part our face out millimeters apart. I'm holding her head in my hands. "You can't honestly say that you can leave, " I whisper. I know what she's doing she's searching my eyes for doubt. "If you're looking for any uncertainty or doubt you won't find any, " I say. "I'll stay, " she whispers. She kisses me. "Hello I'm still down here! Where am I going?" Luca asks. America and I look at him. "Back to the palace honey, " she says. "Yay!" Luca says.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter stay tuned for the next! Please comment and got it makes me so happy! Love y'all!

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