Chapter 9

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You woke up shivering with Bakugou looking at you a bit worried. "Baby, are you okay?" he asked holding you in his arms."I-i'm cold.." you said then started coughing. Bakugou put his hand on your forehead and then said "Poor baby, I think you have a cold. Here, take the blanket and wait here for me. I'll go get some medicine and some food okay?" "O-okay" you said.

After a few minutes he came back in and he brought a sandwich , a  water bottle and a pill. He then placed the plate on the night stand then said "Take this pill. It'll help you." you took the pill and then he told you to eat. "I don't really feel like eating.." you said "But you have to, that's how you'll get better." he said trying to convince you to eat. You thought for a bit and then ate the sandwich "Good girl~" he said. For some reason you felt weird around him but you convinced yourself that the only reason you act like this around him is to get out. You didn't think anything about it. "Now rest. You'll feel better soon I promise." he said softly smiling 'Wow, I mean I've never seen this side of him until now..It's weird how he can be an asshole to everyone and now he s acting like this..' 

After two hours of you taking a nap you woke up and went downstairs. You were crying because you had a nightmare. 'Why am I crying? It's just a nightmare..And why am I downstairs...I need Bakugou..NO,I DON'T!  Y/N , calm down you need to get out of here. Now way in hell I'm staying with him!' you said to yourself . All though you thought that when you found Bakugou laying on the couch looking at his phone, you felt something else. "Y/N ? Are you crying?" he said then coming to hug you "Baby, what's wrong?" he said holding you in his arms. You unconsciously hugged back and said while sobbing " I h-had a nightmare.." you were shivering again since you got out of bed and it wasn't warm anymore. You clutched onto the back of his shirt .

Bakugou's POV

This is going great. She's already depending on me for comfort. I know she thinks she wants to escape but the reality is that she loves me. It s obvious. Even if she tries to leave she'll come back for sure. I know that. She knows that she loves me but she doesn't want to accept it yet.

I just have to trick her brain a little more and she'll want to be mine. It's only been a few days but she's starting to get more and more attached , it's almost too easy.

2nd person POV

"Come on baby let's get you upstairs" Bakugou said now carrying you and going back upstairs. He placed you on the bed tucked you in and he started cuddling you. You were now crying in the crook of his neck and he was running his fingers through your hair. "Shh, it's ok I'm here. I'll always be here.." you calmed down and hugged Bakugou then he  said "Y/N.."  "Yeah..?" " Do you love me ?" 

'Y/N lie , say you love him so you could get the fuck out of here, I really lying if I say that ? You know what ?! Yes, I am . He's a psychopath and he kidnapped and hurt me. There's no way I love him! But...maybe I do? Why the hell am I having second thoughts about him? This i weird but, I feel like I need him.. WHY AM I FEELING LIKE THIS ABOUT MY KIDNAPPER? Maybe I'm going crazy and I actually like him..but now he's sweet to me and he stopped being the way he was..Maybe he changed..God,my head hurts so bad..Why am I feeling this?!' you were overthinking and you didn't know what to say. "I- uhh.." that's the only thing you could say. Bakugou would have lost his temper but he knew you do and asked again " Well? Do you?" 'I can't believe this..HOW COULD I FALL FOR HIM?! But..he's nice now..Maybe I do love him , why would I lie to myself?' you thought "I-i do. I love you, Katsuki.." you said hugging him. He smirked and said "I love you too,baby".

Bakugou's POV

Finally she's mine. There's no going back and she's gonna depend on me for everything . I am her everything from now on..

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