iv. seascape electricity

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graze my hands on

the outlines of the horizon

tracing the shifting blue

at a rocky roadstop

but the electricity in the air

buzzing spring storms

and briny ocean scent

makes me want to climb

on the guardrails to shout

to no one nowhere

to dive into the ocean

and bathe in the soaring blues

absorbing these flowing feelings

maybe this electricity

is buzzing straight from him

ricocheting on brown shards

of scattered beer bottles

reflecting off glossy windows

and glowing ocean sheen

concentrating its energy on me

charging me till i feel

my fingers cut through clouds

and brush the edge of space

sparks flying around me

in a kaleidoscope of light

or maybe this electricity

is humming from inside me

fueled by seaside spruce

and smattering of glasslight

and when i hold his hand

i know he gets it

the skylight emotions

surging tides and starlit streaks

'cause then we're howling

at the gales without civility

the world bursting over me

with seascape electricity

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