prisoner of azkaban ; 43

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Y/N IS NOW PLAYING WITH the Weasley twins on the courtyard. It is in the afternoon, they sat on a bench.

"Anyone bothering you?" Fred askes as he looked at y/n.

"Not really." y/n shrugged, the twins isn't that convince.

"Don't lie to us y/n." Fred said smilling,

"Is Malfoy bothering you?" Goerge asked.

"No, he and I aren't talking anymore." y/n said.

she felt relief actually, she doesn't feel sad anymore, maybe because she had Blaise, Theo, Harry, and the twins- she didn't feel that sad anymore.

"And you're okay with it?" Fred asked.

"He's choosing Astoria over me so it's his loss." y/n shrugged and they fell into silent.

"Then whose bothering you?" Goerge asked.

"Hermione Granger." y/n said flatly.

"Hermione?" Fred asked in confusion and y/n nod.

"Yesterday she said how perfect I am and think it's nauseating, she told 'y/n hogwarts sweetheart, y/n richest women alive, y/n top of the year' and so on but I don't know why but it hurt me." y/n said looking down.

"She said those things because it's true, she's just jealous." Goerge said as he pat y/n's back.

"It's not about her, it's just- I mean yeah I'm all those things but I also lost so much." y/n said her voice cracking.

"Cheer up we'll take care of it-" Fred said.

"What will you do?" y/n asked looking at the two back and forward while the two smile mischievously.

"Miss Parkinson?" said a voice behind the three- the three looked back and saw Remus Lupin.

"Yes Professor?" y/n asked standing up.

"Follow me please" he said as he walk in. Y/n said goodbye to the twins and follow him. They went through halls and abruptly stop infront of a door. Lupin opened it and it looks like an office, probably his, y/n thought.

Lupin sat behind a desk and signalled y/n to do the same- infront of him, which she gladly do so.

"What is it professor?" y/n asked.

"I just thought maybe we could sit down and talk- since the last time we did it is when she pass." Lupin said with a smile and y/n nod.

"Where would you spend you summer?" Lupin asked looking at the girl infront of him.

"I'll go to New York for a week then I'm probably stay at home- I rarely did that." y/n said and Lupin nods

"And how about you?" y/n asked.

"On the run." he said.

The two of them surprisingly talk about loads of thing- despite they started pretty awkwardly.

"What is this thing?" y/n asked as she looked at a piece of old parchment that sat on top of Lupins desk.

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