goblet of fire ; 52

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52 | TWINS

"WHAT ARE YOU trying to do?" y/n asked as she was getting dragged by the Weasley twins.

It is in the afternoon, Fleur and Aurelia is hanging out with their Beauxbattons friends, Victor is with Dumstrangs, Theo, Blaise, Pansy, and Daphne is somewhere in Hogwarts, and that leaves y/n getting dragged with the Weasley twins.

The twins brought her to the library, where the twins was gaven a glare by the librarian. The twins along with y/n sat on a desk far from the librarian.

"so you do know—"

"—we want to—"


"—the tournament." George finished.

Y/n raised an eyebrow and laugh, thinking it was a joke. But the two just look confused at y/n, y/n instantly stop laughing and furrowed her eyebrows.

"what's that important that you have to risk your life for?" y/n asked and the twins share a look.

"a thousand galleons." Fred said and y/n looked confused.

"we want to drop out—" Fred began to said

"—and make a joke shop." George finished, y/n sighed.

"you could just asked me, you don't need to risk your life for that." y/n said.

"we don't want to burden you." George said making y/n scoff.

"I could give you a million galleons and I still could feed fifty kids, besides, aren't you too young?" y/n asked and the two grin.

"just by a couple months." Fred said.

"it's still illegal to enter." y/n stated making the two grin wider.

"that's why—"

"—you are—"

"—going to—"

"—help us." George finished and y/n raise her eyebrow.


"we're going to make an age potion." the two said smiling widely.

"it doesn't change the fact it's still illegal!" y/n exclaim.

"just tell us the ingredients and watch us doing it tomorrow." Fred said and y/n sighed.

Y/n gave them a book from the library, that has the ingredients and how to brew it and the twins fist bump each other and kisses y/n's cheeks and went away, leaving her alone.

"you shouldn't help them." said a voice behind her, she look back and saw Draco.

"yeah? and who are you to tell me things?" y/n taunted.

Draco grabbed y/n's hand harshly and dragged her down to the Slytherin dorms and onto his room. He let go when he locked the door.

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