Bonus Chap

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Tbh,, I just wanted to write Finn and Azalea's date 🤲

Also,, VERY IMPORTANT A/N at the end..for my lumity fans 👁👁

"Ohhh okay okay okay..Where are the keys? Where's my sweater? What. am. I. missing!?"

Finn looked around the house as they paced back and forth in a panic.

Catra, on the other hand, observed as she drank her coffee.

"Mhm, hey! You're gonna be fine. I got the keys right here." Catra sipped her mug as she held the keys. Finn sighed in relief, "Thanks Mama, you're the best." Catra nodded, "I know."

"Finn! Your sweater!" Little Mia came from her room and handed Finn their sweater. "Thanks, M." Finn smiled as they took the sweater from their little sister. "Now remember Finn.." Adora came with a strict look. Finn gulped a bit. "If you come back early than 12, we're gonna assume something bad happened, okay?" Adora finished.

Finn blinked.

"Oh...Okay?" Finn said. "I thought you were gonna yell at me or something." Adora blinked and then sighed, "Why am I the so called 'strict' one?" Catra looked at her wife and laughed a bit, "Because I'm clearly the 'cool as a cucumber' parent." Adora looked at her wife and playfully glared, "I hate you."

Catra returned to her mug of coffee, "Eh, last night said otherwise." She said smugged.

"Ew, moms! Gross! Mia is like..right here." Finn gestured to the little girl beside them who had no clue what was going on. Catra, then, playfully scoffed, "Uh, yea. How else do you think she got here?"

Before Finn could open their mouth to answer that, Adora stopped them, "Don't you have a date to pick up?" She teased. Finn's eyes went wide as they checked the time. "Oh shoot..I gotta go!"

Adora and Catra laughed a bit as Finn came up to them to give them a kiss on the cheek. "Now,you behave Finn." Adora said. "Also, don't go on 'Elastic' after eating..You're gonna ruin the date." Catra butted in.

"Hey! That was one time okay?" Adora pouted as Catra snickered. Finn chuckled a bit as they leaned down to Mia. "See ya, M." Mia giggled as she gave her sibling a hug, "Take flowers Finn!" She smiled with excitement. Finn stood up as she ruffled Mia's hair, "You're right ohmygod-"

Finn was then out the door, "Loveyouguysbye!" They rushed as they closed the door. "Aweeee, they grow up so fast." Adora 'awed'. "I just hope they make it there safe."

"Relaxxx, Blondie. Knowing Finn, they'll be safe and not a wreck like you were when you drove." Catra smirked. "Har har." Adora laughed sarcastically. "Will Finn bring Azalea flowers?" Mia asked. " I'm sure of it, Mia." Catra smiled.

"Oooo, she's gonna look so pretty!" Mia said excitedly.

Catra and Adora looked at each other worried, that Mia used Finn's wrong pronouns. "Mia..We talked about this." Adora sighed as she smiled. Mia looked at her mom confused, "About what?" "About Finn, cariño." Catra smiled softly. Mia looked at her moms even more confused.

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