Prolouge three;Martha and Matthew

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"Marsha, Martha get down here, it's time for school,"their mom yelled at her kids

"We're coming down just wait a second,"Marsha yelled down to their mother.

"Just hurry I don't want you to be late," their mother yelled up to them acting like she a actually cares about her kids.She walked out to the car.

Meanwhile with the twins

"Matthew I'm trying to help you so please make this easier for me,"Martha pleaded to her sibling.

"Sorry, I'm just anxious," Matthew explained to their twin. Matthew looked at the ground.

"I get that but I need you to stay still so it doesn't hurt," Martha told to her twin.

"Ok,I'll try,"Matthew said while still looking at the ground. Matthew sat still while his sister put the binder on him. The two of them walked to the car and got in, Martha in the front and Matthew in the back so their mom wouldn't see that Matthew had a binder on.

7:45 am

"Bye girls see you after school," their mother said, as the two got out of the car.

"Bye mom," Martha said as she waited for her twin.

"Bye mom,"Matthew said walking away with Martha

4:30 pm
(We're following Matthew in this part because I already wrote this and forgot I was suppose to follow Martha)(I decided to just make it following both of them lmao)

" I'm home,"Matthew yelled into the living room once he got home.

No response.

"Not home as usual,"Matthew sighed. He walked to his room. Martha was at her friend's house for the night and Matthew was supposed to tell her."We're both gonna get yelled at because of her but I want her to be happy for atleast a while..."Matthew mumbled.

"I'm just gonna text Robin," Matthew said, " Hello Robin, what are you doing"

"Nothing much, hbu?"

"Same, wanna go to the park?"

"Ok, see you there.  Also, can Martha also cone? Come*"

"No, she can't she's at her friend's house for the night"

"Dammit, well whatever I guess. It's not like I care,"

"Sure, you don't 😏"

"Shut it."

"Fine, be there in twenty."

"K, see you then"

Matthew got immediately switched to texting Martha.

"Martha, how about you make a "surprise" visit to the park to see your little boyfriend"

"WE ARE NOT DATING, but sure I'll come and Regina and her brother are coming aswell so you'll also have your little crush"

"Yeah, to bad he'd never like a freak like me"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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