Free smoke.

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I grabbed my last suitcase from my bother's trunk answered my mom on WhatsApp video. She doesn't like iPhones, she and my dad didn't.

"Hey mommy,-hold on Jared my headphones in the backseat," I said just as he was about to leave the room. He replied with "Okay I'll go get it, be right back."

"Tell Jared to be careful driving on that damn highway, you know they had another accident the other day." My mom exclaimed while she drove in her work suit." You sure you get everything you need for the new term?"

"Yes ma'am, I'll tell him, and yes again I have everything I need. Where you going you just got off work huh?"

"No, I'm headed to the airport for a business meeting in New York. I'll be there for about three days." My mom's an editor.

"Oh okay, who's going to have Kayla, then?" Kayla is my little sister she's only three years old.

"I left her with your father. Speaking of your father, he's supposed to put that two thousand in your account. Check it out and tell me if its there. I gotta go baby be safe, I love you."

"I love you too mommy, be safe as well. I'll call you later on tonight."

"Okay, tell Jared what I said, now."

"Okay, bye."

As soon as she hung up I quickly went to check my account online on my laptop and smiled." Thank you Lord, because you know I was going broke!" I said as Jared cleared his throat.

" I see the old man fixed you up, huh?" He looked at my account information and smiled.

"Move dude, I laughed and closed my laptop down," I still need some money from you too, come on you promised me." I held my hand out and he pulled out his wallet.

"Okay you know bro got you, he pulled out a wad of cash and started count in '20s." Here, don't spend it all in one day. I'm out." He hugged me and ruffled up my curls."

"Okay and mom said to slow down when your driving on the highway!" I said to him and then laughed as he blew me off.

Asshole. I loved my family. Now it's time to tax Asher, my other brother.

There were seven of us. Asher the oldest he's 30, Jared and Garred, they were both twins, 25, Adonis, 23, Adrian 22, then me 19, then last but not least, the queen Kayla.

Yeah, my parents were pretty busy, but they separated to try to focus on their careers. My dad is a Neurosurgeon. Even though my parents separated they still made sure to keep their families first. I loved them for that, and I'm very thankful.


I went to my first class and sat with one earbud in my ear and pulled out my laptop.

"Aye anyone sitting here?"A deep voice asked me from the side of me.

I looked up and almost gasped. Geez, he's fine.

I swallowed my thirst "Uh, no... you can sit here if you want." I replied quietly and he nodded saying," coo'.."

He... is really, REALLY handsome. Chocolate, Hershey's, Snickers, Kit Kat... None of them had anything on his smooth skin. I bet he tasted even better too.

I checked out his outfit on the side of me and smirked. White Nike hoodie, black distressed jeans, and white Air Jordans. He also had an apple watch, along with a diamond chain, and he smelt really good. I unintentionally found myself leaning into him to get a better inhale.

"Yo you good man?" I opened my eyes and leaned back into my seat. Embarrassing.

"I'm sorry I was trying to get the first few notes since he changed it so quickly," I lied."

"Oh shoot you should've just asked. Here you go."He slid me his laptop and I did a quick glance pretending to read it. I already had everything he had, and I think he noticed because he did a quick glance at my screen.

"Thanks appreciate it." I smiled and tried to focus on my professor.

But I couldn't. I kept glancing at him through my peripherals and then at his fingers as they typed onto his laptop.

I wanted him to talk to me so badly. I cleared my throat and he glanced my way, with a lick of his bottom pink lips." So uh, what's your name?" I asked trying to put a little bass in my voice because my voice is a little softer than the average guy my age.

"My bad, it's Floyd. Floyd West." He replied and I nodded my head. He's making me so nervous.

"Okay nice name," why did I even say that he's probably gonna think I'm gay now. His name was totally average.

"I'm Sade Ross." He held his fist out and bumped it with mine.

"Coo'..." he went back to typing in his laptop and I sighed. I'm losing him!

"So you're new here huh? I mean since I've never seen you take this class, or like in the halls and campus and stuff."

"He turned his head to me and smirked. Oh..." Yeah, I transferred, from Florida."

"Oh you know I could show you around if you want."

"Yea I'm down, guess I could use a lil' tour." YES.

"Okay, what do you have after this lecture?" I asked hoping he would say nothing or at least nothing right away.

"I free for the rest of the day." I smiled and nodded.

"Okay me too. I'll show you the chill spots as well."

"Aight bet."


After we were dismissed I walked just about all over the campus showing Floyd around, everything I know about this institute he now knew. We walked back towards the dorms area and Xander showed up along with Melvin, Lee, and Danny.

"Wassup fool," Xander said as he dapped up Floyd, all of them did.

"How do ya'll know each other?" I asked with my arms crossed. How annoying.

"Whatchu' mean how I know him, this ma cousin," Xander replied ruffling my hair up. How annoying!

I brushed his hand away and Melvin laughed, as lee smirked." Was good Sade? Lee asked giving me a brief hug. I basically look like a kid standing next to them. They were giants compared to me.

Xander is like 6'3, Floyd is 6'3 the comparison in size is lethal. Lee is 6'1, Melvin is 6'0 and Danny is 6'2. Here I stood a lousy 5'8 and a half, 5'9 if I'm feeling froggy.

"Aye c'mon let me show you this baddie..." there they go, walking off with my new friend. I sighed. How annoying...

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