Do you like Frights?

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"Terra, it was so annoying they just took him away from me, it's not fair." I complained into my phone as I finished up my last homework." I was doing so good too, we had got into some deep conversations and I found out he was in a bad relationship. He's really nice too with a little mysteriousness to him. However, if I'm being truly honest, he just basically answered the majority of my questions saying yes and no, or coo', then laughed a little bit. That's the most I got out of him."

"Maybe he just needs a little more time to warm up to you. He did just transferred here so he's probably being cautious that's all."

I hummed, she's probably right." Okay then, you might be right. When I see him again I'll try to talk to him a little more... maybe I just need to let him know that I-"

"Nope. You're not, if you do that you're gonna chase him away. Just give him some time to get his bearings in order. You already did what you had to do. Now let him take the next step."

Huh? Terra knew I was bold when it comes down to when I want something. I never gave up, so this is confusing me.

"What do you mean?"

"Look Sade you're persistent as hell, and although that's a good trait to have- in most cases 85 percent of the time-..., the best thing for you to do in this situation is to let him be. By the way, you described him, it sounded like he was holding back from you a little." I thought back to our conversations and, he did honestly seem like he was being too passive.

I know I'm not that bad looking or smell bad, but maybe I was being a little too overbearing with the questioning.

"Aww Sade don't feel bad." She said my vision began to get blurry. I don't even know why I'm acting like this. This isn't the first time I've liked a guy." You really like him huh?" I nodded my head. I'm damn soft, I hate it sometimes.

"But Sade you haven't known him for that long." She said causing me to feel a little irritated. But I can't even be mad because she's right though. Why do I even like him this much when I hardly knew him. Maybe I really need to fall back and let this go for a while because these train of feelings are scary and foreign to me.

"I'm gonna try to get some sleep. I'll message you tomorrow."

"Okay. Byyye."

I smiled and then ended the call feeling frustrated.

"Sup man?" My roommate said coming in with a towel around his neck.



For the next five days, I did as Terra said and I've been solely focusing on my studies like I normally would and occasionally talked to my old friends and family. I would occasionally see Floyd walking the halls and in some of my lectures, but it's like I've never talked to him. I don't know what I did wrong, but I'm definitely not gonna try to reason with him or find out.

"Sade where you going with so much speed, damn."Megan said walking beside me, she's one of my friends from high school." Yeah, my bad wassup?"

"You got the invite I slipped under your door for you? The party this Saturday. You never rsvp me back, so are you coming?"

"Oh uh yeah I guess, I never got your letter when did you slip it under my door?"

"This morning around 11:30."

"Oh, I had left already for my first class. But I'll be there, where is it anyway and can I bring someone?"

"Yeah you're allowed to bring two people, and it's at my house. See ya later." She went in another direction and I quickly sent a message to Terra that I was on my way. I'm always getting held back trying to be nice to everyone.

I quickly jogged to the gym and spotted Terra just outside the doors waiting for me.

"What took you so long I've been waiting for literally 10 minutes and when you really think about it it's a really long time."

"I was talking to Megan, she invited me to a party-", "okay I'm going." she interrupted me." Like I was saying she invited me to a party tomorrow. She said I could bring two people, you already invited yourself, so I guess I'll invite Floyd."

"No." She said as she got onto the treadmill. In here was really empty today, for a Friday evening.

"Why not? I'm sure Xander got an invite because you know whoever got one had to have been close with Megan. Lee and Melvin didn't know her so you know he probably invited them as his two persons."

"Speaking of the devils and they shall appear, look." She said as I was about to join her on the treadmill on the side of her."

Indeed there they were walking to the weights section, and Floyd was with them, he had on a black hat, black beater, and grey shorts. I just needed him to turn around.


"Huh, what?"

"I said you don't even know if he's like into dudes, and you catching all types of feelings for him."

I looked at her and laughed, damn this bitch was right again.

"Terra you really do something to my insides. Just a negative bitch sometimes you know that?" I said causing her to laugh.

"No for real Terra, you need to stop, God is not pleased in the slightest. Just because you bitter about Xander don't mean I have to be the same way when I'm thinking about my chances with-


Well, Gezus take me now, me and Terra both almost fell forward and collided with the metal handles. If it hadn't been for the strong arms that caught me and her we would have been on the floor with a bloody chin.

"What the fuck Xander! " We said at the same time, how annoying!

I was about to punch him but he dodged it by hiding himself behind Terra and restricting her arms from moving. Everyone else was laughing.

"You good?" I turned around to the sound of his voice and it sent shivers down my spine. I had been so distracted I didn't even check to see who caught me. It was Floyd, he came to my rescue to stop me from falling and possibly twisting my ankle.

He' totally wants me.

"Yeah, I'm good thanks for that. You guys are assholes."

"He shrugged his shoulders with a small smile. It was so sexy to me." You're right, it wasn't my idea though. It was all Melvin's idea." Figures since he the clown of the bunch.

I flipped him the bird, rolled my eyes as he sent one back to me." Whatever dumbass.." I mumbled and turned back to face, Floyd." Wanna go to a party tomorrow?"


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