No drama.

715 29 2

He said he was gonna come, I just needed to wait on him is all. I should've just got his number, then I could've asked him if he still was coming. Everyone else was already there except for him and I.

Xander picked up Terra already as well, so if he doesn't come I'll just have to get an uber to drop me at the party. Even if I wanted to go with them, Xander's truck including Terra in the front seat could only hold three people, and I wasn't tryna be sandwiched between two giants. No ma'am.

"Sade!" I looked up and saw him walking up the hallway looking daddyish with his unique style. He looked so welcoming, so I gave him a hug, which was supposed to be a bro hug- expecting it to be quick and friendly, but I got butterflies in my stomach when he hugged me back.

"Let's go we already a little late."I blushed and tried to match his towering strides as he put his hand on my lower back.

"Yeah thanks to you, I thought you weren't coming anymore."

"Ma' bad. I went to get my car out of parking. Here hand me ya' phone."

I handed him my phone without hesitation and he gave me his, to store my number. I'll give him the option to change my name whenever our bond began to strengthen. I could almost hear Terra as if she was next to me: 'Baby steps Sade'.

We walked out to the front building where there was a 2017 Black Camaro running. I didn't know a lot about cars but I knew particularly about this one because this was the car I went to prom in.

Now I knew why he was walking so fast-paced, it was that he left it on. We quickly got inside and were on our way. I noticed his car was very clean inside, and it smelt like vanilla beans and a hint of that signature cologne that he wore on the first day that we met.

I smiled and relaxed into my seat as Eminem Godzilla blasted through his speakers. I felt so safe being in here-being around him, just in his presence. I have butterflies in my stomach just by thinking about how he touched my back, just grazing my ass.

Dammit, if only I was taller.


When we finally arrived, we parked a little way down from everyone else and walked to the house. I watched as the majority of the people that were walking holding hands or were either under each other.

What I would give to be like them right now. I sighed and shook the thought out of my head, 'm being clingy and optimistic when I'm still not sure how me and Floyd stands, he may not even like me or guys in general for that matter.

When we got inside the energy felt electrifying. There was a four decker large chocolate fondue fountain in the food section, and a shirtless bartender in the alcohol section. The Dj had everyone bopping and twerking to his music selections, while he threw his hands up in his little booth. Meagan sure knows how to throw a college rave.

"Well, congratulations yal arrived, now come on we over here." I looked down at Terra and she pulled my hand, I unintentionally grabbed Floyd's arm, and he didn't try to flinch away. He actually looked really unbothered by it all in all.

"Sup Sade, ma boy Floyd. Fly as usual."Xander said while they did a handshake/bro hug. Everyone looked amazing." If I didn't know no betta, I would say you and Sade were matching in colors." Melvin added in and caused everyone's attention to now be directed at me.

I look at my outfit and blushed. I had on-air Jordan 6's with a distressed white jumper with a green Gucci shirt and gold accessories. I never noticed it until now. Now my face is burning.

Melvin always has something to say, he couldn't have just admired my outfit and stayed quiet? He's always picking on me. How annoying. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Aye you ain't lying bro, it's cool tho. I'm glad he matched me, it's fire Sade." Floyd complimented me and I stood there shocked. Did my ears hear that right?

"Thanks appreciate it." I replied and looked at Terra, to find her with a knowing expression. She's probably thinking something along with, 'this fast little hoe...I like it tho'. And as if she read my mind she put her drink in the air and did a little twerk on Xander.

"Let's get fucked up!!"



By the time the party was over it had been 2 am and me and Terra both drunkenly looked for our- I mean Xander and Floyd. We weren't really drunk but we both had a nice buzz going on.

"Look there goes, Lee."


"Right over there by the pool talking with Roshell, lets ask him if he's seen them." We walked over to them and when he saw us he quickly pointed upstairs on the balcony. Terra mouthed a thank you and we quickly went back inside going up the stairs.

By this time everyone was now leaving. I sent Floyd a message asking:

"Ready to get outta here. Where you at?", and in five seconds he replied with

"Aight we upstairs smoking sum'. I just saw you and your friend outside."

By the time he sent that last message we saw them coming towards us out of a very smoky room.

"Let's go baby" Xander wrapped his arm around Terra and Floyd gave me a smirk. I looked down and blushed. You see... that's what he's not gonna do, he's been sending me all kinds of mixed signals all night.

Whenever he's got some girl dancing on him I would see him glancing a look at me and every time it would leave my mind in a cluster of all kinds of things.

He's playing with my emotions when he needs to be playing with-

"Sade, you hear me?" Terra asked me snapping me out of my train of thoughts.

"My bad I wasn't listening..."

"Clearly," she rolled her eyes."I said if you wanna ride with us you can since all the other guys went there separate ways."

I looked at Xander and he was all cuddled up with Terra, I knew she mentioned that they were going somewhere after the party so I decided to let them have their privacy.

"No, it's okay. Is it cool if I ride back with you, Floyd?" I had my head held down hoping to God that he didn't have any plans.

"I got you, it'll be fowl of me not to, I'm the one that brought you out here."He replied and dapped Xander." See ya later nigga drive safe."

"Aight we out." Xander and Terra both replied and walked out, we followed suit.

When we got back to the car I noticed there was a small paper on his windshield, it's probably from one of the girls at the party that he was dancing with. I'm not going to lie, I'm jealous as hell right now, but you know what? I'm gonna decided not to say anything and act unbothered.

He's not my boyfriend anyways.

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