Chapter 5-The Reveal

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The following morning as Hermione woke up she got dressed and looked at the paper where her parents' names would appear or so she assumed but, all that was written then that was new is she would receive a different letter with the info due to a mistake the Ministry of Magic overlooked. Hermione was starting to get frustrated with the fact that there always seems to be something and even if she will meet or know who her real parents are.

"When she arrived at the common area after reading the letter she saw Harry waiting for her near the exit." Harry, were you waiting for me so we could walk to breakfast together? Yes, Hermione and you never told me if you were able to see your parents name. When they started walking towards The Great Hall Hermione and told Harry about the new letter she was going to receive and why it had to be so frustrating to find out who her real parents are. They arrived shortly after Hermione finished her story. As they sat down the owls started to arrive and yet again no surprise to Harry nor Hermione a owl landed in front of her with a letter attached to its leg. After she removed it she saw the seal and was hoping that this time it was her parents name as she was getting frustrated with all these rules and contracts. When she opened it up she read:

Dear Miss Hermione Granger,

We are glad to present you this official letter to inform you of your biological parents. Please accept our apologies for any confusion or frustration with the process. Below you will find your parent names and as a bonus a request form for the release of any living relatives and family tree.

Father: Hugo Jackson Granger

Mother: Jennifer Rose Granger

As you can see these names are released since your contract is fulfilled, we also realize the last name is the same this is a different Granger family which is why we at the Ministry included the request form. We will also include any specifics to any relatives including profession or jobs they have had.

Sincerely, The Binding Contract Department (a sub part of The Department of Magical Law Enforcement )

Amelia Bones Head of Magical Law Enforcement.

"After reading she hands the letter to Harry who reads it twice to get a good understanding." Seems confusing at first but, hey at least we know your real parents name. And the same last name is also strange. You alright Hermione?

Yeah Harry was just a bit relieved and a bit shocked from the letter. But what was more shocking is I might have some actual living relatives out there and this form can show me. And don't forget I can see what my parents and relatives' professions are.

You can use my owl after you're done said Harry, finishing his plate of food. Harry I think you can actually finally move into my room but don't be too hopeful for anything or get any ideas already seeing Harry drool. You know Hermione, what made you say that I can move in then. She could not help but blush to the response and reply softly that she enjoyed laying in his arms at her parents house. We should start to head to class and don't want to be late. As she says this Harry told Hermione he has to go with Dumbledore to get the horcrux he found.

When they left the Great Hall Hermione looked around to make sure no one was paying attention and gave Harry a small kiss on the cheek before heading to class. Harry then headed to Dumbledore he heard Snape arguing with Dumbledore " And what of the boy now he can basically do magic without a wand it might not be good for me Albus. Don't worry Severus I made sure you will have plenty of time. And besides you made a promise."

As Harry heard the conversation end right there he saw Snape storm down the stairs and give Harry a growling look before leaving out the door. Harry walked up the stairs to see Professor Dumbledore looking off into the distance. When the question crossed his mind he spoke up behind Dumbledore asking what Snape and him were talking about. Dumbledore turned and smiled "We all have secrets, Harry I am not required to tell them all to you." You may be powerful Harry but with power comes responsibility and hopefully you can gain a little wisdom before using it.

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