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**(todoroki's pov)**

The alarm went off and I really didnt want to get out of bed, but knowing my 'dad' he would murder me

'fucking- I just remembered there's a new kid in our class' I thought to myself ' I just dont want it to be another crack head who's so fucking high on energy' and with that, I left the bathroom, dressed and ready to go to school (avoiding my dad of course)

-time skip-
I started falling asleep until...
"Class, wake the fuck up and let me introduce you to Hitoshi Shinsou. Due to Mineta being a perverted fuck, and the girls complaining about him he has been exchange with Shinsou---"

Fuck! Why does he have to be so hot!!!!???? I felt my face heat up

"----Todorki, raise you hand so Shinsou knows where to sit."
I motioned my hand and he came and sat down beside me. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!!! my mind is racing. This hot guy was in my class now and he's so- UGH!!!

*(shinsou's pov)*

he keeps zoning out....he must be Endeavor's kid. Probably stuck up like majority rich kids act, hell! I bet he doesn't even know how to keep his dorm clean pfft- I held my laugh in, hoping no one heard untill my eyes met his icy blue and silver eyes

"Hey, rich kid" I whispered
"The fuck you want, newbie"
Just as I expected, he's a stuck up brat
"Did your mommy fix you your lunch" I teased

"Metion my mother one more time and I swear to god I will break your fucking knees, dont test me bitch"
Yeah, he's like all the other rich kids I've met, except he acts emotionless "what are you gonna do?call your daddy?"
"Yeah-no, he can die in a hole for all I care"
Wow- ok- not what I expected but that's fine.

-time skip to lunch-

I saw todoroki again and I instantly wanted to tease him again. He was sitting alone at a table, which was not normal for rich bitches. They at least had one other person.
"Hey todoroki" the dual haired boy turned to face me with his cold eyes

"Why you sitting alone? Did your mommy say 'no friends'?" I started laughing
"Hehehehe, remember what I said about breaking your knees? That wasn't an exaggeration" he stood up and looked at me straight in the eyes

"Looks like kittens feisty"

Should I continue the story?

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