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Being a Silver is not easy.

My parents are both purblood and slythering they are also very strict and believe that muggles do not belong in our world but that's not the worst thing about them they both serve Lord Voldemort.

I Have an older brother named Charles  who is 3 years older than me he is starting his 7th and last year at Hogwarts and is a slythering like my parents,we are really close well as close as siblings that were born 3 years apart  can be.

I also have a sister named Victoria who is starting her 6th year at Hogwarts she is also my best friend and probably my only friend but unlike the rest of my family,she is a Gryffindor which OFCOURSE didnt make my parents happy.

they were actually REALLY angry and didnt talk to her for months.

Well by them I mean my Father, my mother didnt care.

My Father wanted to lock Victoria in her room and not let her out until she became a slythering (which means FOREVER) but my mom convinced him not to(thank god), i thought they were going to disowned her but they didnt(again thank god) I mean I dont understand why my father was so mad, she didnt control what house she got into, she even try to change her house   but thats not my story to tell.

Oh how rude of me,

My name is Amelia,Amelia Silver I'm starting my 4th year at Hogwarts in 2 weeks even though it's my first year at that school or at A school  because my parents wanted to home school me until I turned 14, which I did a week ago even though I got my letter from Hogwarts when I was 11.

I kept getting one every year on my birthday but this year I was actually going to the  school.

(Which I was very excited about)

I never new why my parents wanted to home school me because they didnt do the same for my siblings.

Dont get me wrong I loved being home schooled I spent lots of times with my mother and I could wear whatever I wanted too and I did not have to share my room with anyone and I'm actually a really good with magic (and that's the only nice thing my father has ever said to me) even though it was really lonely and boring .

but everytime I'd ask why I was homeschooled? my father started yelling at me and told me I wasnt worth wasting his time on and that I was a bad daughter  for even asking him, I guess you could say my father isnt the sweetest father in the world (clearly) but he is still my father,so I just gave up on asking.

my mother on the other hand takes care of my siblings and I.

She dosent yell at us or tell us we are worthless or say we are a " waste of air and space " like my father does.

My mother is kind and sweet and actually is a good parent but still very strict, which I think is how every parent is soppust to be.

Tomorrow my sibling,and I are going to Diagon Alley to get school supplies and stuff we need for the new
school year

My first year at Hogwarts, My first year of actual school, god I've never been so happy in my life, even thought I was nerves and I'm going to miss my mom so  much, I'm going to be away from my father

Even though I have to go back for the holidays and summer, I mean I would be glad just to be away from my father for a day.

Anyway enough of talking about my family.

My new life stars in 2 weeks and litter did I know everything was going to change.


Ps I hope you guys liked this chapter let me know what you think I know it was kinda long but oh well anyway I love you guys bye♡

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