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After a quick shower,I change into some clothes and fixed my hair I didn't put make up on today because I didnt have time and I didnt want to anyways.

After a quick shower,I change into some clothes and fixed my hair I didn't put make up on today because I didnt have time and I didnt want to anyways

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I decided to wear something simple since I was gonna change into my uniform later

i just picket white jeans with a black long sleeved cropped top and some white shoes.

After I finished getting ready I took my trunk down stairs I was kinda struggling because it was really heavy

"Do you need help Ms.Amelia?" Star one of our house elf's asked.

"Yes please, I didnt think it would be this heavy"i say

Star runs up the stair and helps me carry the trunk down the stairs

"Thank you so much Star I'm gonna miss you" I say

"No problem Ms.Amelia, Star going to miss you too" she say

"Come here give me a hug"i say as I kneel dow to hug her

She gives me a hug and I hug her back

"I'll see you during the holidays okay?" I tell her as I pulled away from the hug and stand up

She nodes

"Okay bye" I say goodbye and walk over  to the kitchen

"Good morning darling, takes this and go join Charles and Victoria in the dining room okay" my mom says handing me a plate full of fruit

"Goodmorning mom, is father home?"

"No he had to work and I'm sorry but I wont be able to go with you guys to the train station "she said with a sad look on her face

"Oh well that's ok dont worry about it" I said looking down at the floor

"I'm gonna miss you so much"she said as she gave me a quick hug

"I'm gonna miss you too,mom"

"You've grown up so much, I'm so proud of you princess,it isnt going to be the same without you"

I could feel tearn starting to form in my eyes

My mom and I have always been close sense we spend most of the days together, so I knew I was going to get emotional

And I think she knew that because she changed the topic soon after she noticed I was crying

"Now go eat breakfast, off you go" she said as she puched me in the direction of the dining room

"Okay,okay I'm going" I say as I walk away and enter the dining room and sit down next to Victoria at the table placing the plate of fruit down as well

"Hey Mia" says Charles while looking at the newspaper

"Mia?" I ask

"Dont worry he wanted to give you a nickname and that's all his stupid brain could come up with" says Victoria

"Shut up!I'm trying to be a nice brother sence shes going to be becoming a Slythering soon and realise how truly worthless Griffindors are" he says still looking down at the newspaper

"Oh shut up you cockroach"Victoria snaped

My jaw dropped

'this isnt going to end well'
I thought to my self will graving some toast

"What did you just call me you blood traitor?" Charles snaped back

I choked on my food as I realise what has just happened

"I'm not a blood traitor, your just jealous because you know that Sytherings are a bunch of mean, selfish,stupid,evil ,little snakes that everyone even Dumbledore dont care for and I called you a cockroach!" Victoria spat back

"You little-" Charles started but i interrupted him

"Stop it are you hearing yourselfs, you both sound like little children, what is wrong with both of you!?" I yell at both of them

"CHARLES" I screamed and he rolled his eyes and looked the other way

"Bloody hell Charles look at me" I say and he finally looks at me

" You shouldn't have said does things about Griffindor and you shouldn't have called our SISTER a blood traitor because she is NOT" I snapped

And I hear Victoria laughing

"And you " I say as I turn to talk to her

"What did I do" she asked

"Oh dont act so innocent" Charles says

"Shut up" I yelled

"Victoria you shouldn't have said those things about slythering and you shouldn't have called him a cockroach" I explained

"Oh whatever" she  rolled her eyes

"I'm done with both of you all, I was already having a horrible morning and you guys made it a lot worst, we dont know what house I'll be in  and you two keep forgetting there are more than 2 houses" I yell at them as i stood up from the table to leave

"Where are you going"they both ask at the same time

"I'm tired so I'm going to wait at the front door until we leave for the bloody train" I turned around and walked away

I got my trunk and carried it to the front of the house the driver was waiting he took my trunck and I set down inside of the car waiting for my stupid siblings to get here

So far this day really hasn't been how i planned :(

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