Chapter 1

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It was a dark and stormy night in what appeared to be a very creepy looking house. Thunder was heard from outside while creepy organ music began playing and a familiar time sorcerer appeared out of a vampire's coffin dressed as a blood sucking vampire. 

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen" Albert greeted the readers. "I trust you were freighted by my terrifying costume?"

Albert then laughed manically as thunder was heard again and the lights flickered. But then Albert started coughing before his fake vampire teeth fell out of his mouth. 

"It wasn't that terrifying" a familiar author's voice mumbled. 

"Quiet you!" Albert glared towards the author before he continued. 

"Ah, Halloween. The day we celebrate eating candy, ghouls and monsters, spooky stories, and scaring the living daylights out of people. Especially those ones you hate"

"But there is much more to Halloween then all the things I've just described to you... I got that info off the internet. But for the true reason we celebrate Halloween..."

"I frankly do not know..." Albert admitted embarrassingly. 

"Anyway, get ready for this Halloween adventure filled with bone-chilling frights, scary monsters. And yes, there will even be blood..."

"So parents, be sure to tuck your children in bed. That's okay, I'll wait...................."

Albert got tired of waiting after 2 seconds and decided to get right to the story.

"You've been warned..."

Albert laughed manically, walking backwards in the dark making his exit. Which was a bad idea cause he ending up tripping and falling backwards all the way down the stairs. 

"OW! That really hurt!" Albert groaned in pain before yelling. "BROCK I TOLD YOU TO MOVE THAT JACK-O-LANTERN 5 HOURS AGO!" 

~~~~~~~~*Our Story Begins*~~~~~~~~

It was a dark and spooky evening, which was the perfect kind of evening cause tonight was Halloween. 

At the familiar household we all know and love, the Harpercop siblings were finishing getting their costumes ready and preparing for a night of sugar highs and rotting teeth. 

"I can't wait to get down to Park Avenue. All the houses on that street give out the best candy" Brock told his sisters. 

"Yeah! We're talking king size Hershey bars, Snickers, Butterfingers... King size everything!" Ann said excitedly. 

"You know it!" Kali smiled at her siblings. 

Just then, a knock was heard at the front door and Teeders, Cynthia, David, and Cecilia entered. 

"Hey guys!" The friends smiled and greeted each other. 

"Happy Halloween!" David beamed. 

"Happy Halloween!" Kali smiled back at her friends. 

"Sorry we're late," Teeders apologized. "Cynthia and Cecilia took forever on their costumes" 

"Hey, Halloween is one of the most important nights to wear the proper attire and you can not rush profection" Cynthia explained in her defense. 

"Yeah, what she said" Cecilia replied in her normal dreary voice, rolling her eyes at her twin sister. 

"What are you anyway?" Brock asked Cynthia on her costume. "A fairy princess again?"

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