Chapter 2

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After a few seconds of fast round and round motion while trying so hard not to throw up, the Akids finally had arrived in Shrek's world. Landing in the middle of the swamp in the dark of night. 

"I'll never get used to that" Cynthia groaned on how the gang did their transportation while seeing that her costume had already gotten covered in swamp mud. 

The adventure kids then got up, dusted themselves off and had a look around. 

"Come on" Kali told her friends, taking the lead as they headed down a trail. 

"Kali are you sure you know where we're going?" David asked, considering the bright moon tonight was their only source of light. 

"Sure I'm sure" The lead adventure girl replied confidently. "Quit being such a baby. There's nothing in this swamp that could hurt us"

Just then David yelped out in pain as he had hit his head against a tree branch. 

"Watch out, there's a branch" Ann told him. 

"Not anymore" David groaned in pain. 

"Unless of course, the ghost monster of the swamps gets hungry tonight" Albert then spoke in a really creepy voice attempting to scare the others. Specifically Cynthia. 

"I really wish you wouldn't talk like that" Cynthia said to Albert, rolling her eyes in annoyance. 

The twins then suddenly jumped out from behind Cynthia and yelled, scaring the poor fashionista as she ran but ended up tripping over her dress and landing in the bushes. 

The twins, Albert and Cecilia all laughed in amusement. 

"That was awesome" Cecilia smiled a little. She loved to see her sister scared. 

"That was great you guys" Albert told the twins, having tears in his eyes. "Did you see the look on her face? Priceless!" 

Kali rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Come on guys, quit messing around. I'm telling we're completely safe" 

"I'm still not so sure about this though" Teeders said a bit nervously as the gang continued walking. "Shouldn't the crystal had teleported us somewhere closer, say like, I don't know, right in front of Shrek's house?" 

"Oh please," Brock scoffed at Teeders for being scared, saying. "What could possibly happen to us out here?" 

Suddenly, the gang heard a yelp and turned to see Ann looking appalled. 

"Ann, what's wrong?" Teeders asked her. 

"Something just ran across my foot" Ann said, shaking a little. 

Then David suddenly let out a cry of pain. "OW!" 

"David what happened?" Brock asked in alarm. 

"Something bit my leg" David replied, rubbing his bitten leg in a bit of pain. 

Just then, the Akids all froze has they heard creepy little laughter and the bushes rustling around them. 

"It's the gremlins of the underworld! THEY'VE COME FOR US!" Cynthia cried out in complete terror. 

Albert was then clubbed in the back of his head and knocked out. The gang was suddenly jumped by some kind of small creatures. But they couldn't tell what they were because it was dark. 

The kids screamed as they were kicked, bit, and punched at by these unknown little creatures, making them drop their bags filled with candy. 

The adventure kids all huddled in fear thinking this was the end as the creepy creatures had them cornered. One of them had a hold of Kali's leg but loosened it's grip once it noticed the candy on the ground. 

The Adventure Kids get Scared ShreklessWhere stories live. Discover now