Chapter 3

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Thunder was heard as the gang had soon arrived at their destination in front of a spooky, abandon, and familiar castle everyone knew all too well. 

"Castle Duloc?" The adventure kids said out of shock. 

"Oh, ha, ha, very funny, Shrek" Donkey told his best friend, realizing this was where they'd be doing their spooky story contest. 

"But this is where Lord Farquaad lived" One of the Three Little Pigs said fearfully. 

"Ja! Und died" The other pig added. 

"Don't remind us" Cynthia said. 

"I heard it's haunted by his ghost" Pinocchio claimed. 

"G-G-Ghost?" The twins suddenly started shaking nervously.  

"Oh, please" Kali said. "Come on now guys, there's nothing to worry about. Remember we defeated Farquaad's ghost" the tomboy reminded. 

"Look, if you're all too scared to put on big boy pants and go in, I'll just claim my winning and be on my way" Shrek told the others. 

"Now, wait a minute!" Donkey protested. "We can last in there just as long as you can"

"Yeah!" The twins and the others added, doing their best to act brave. 

"Fine. Come on then" Shrek said to his friends, opening the gate. 

As the adventure kids came inside the castle grounds with Shrek and the others, they still couldn't help but get slight nervous vibes thinking something was going to happen. 

"You know, I understand why we're doing this, but I still don't get why you came along Cecilia" Teeders said, turning to the goth girl. 

"Cause it's the one night of the year all my undead brothers and sisters come out to play" Cecilia replied in her usual dreary manner. Halloween was the goth's favorite time of year after all. But the way how she said it just sounded scary. 

"Okay..." The other Akids replied, always being creeped out by Cecilia. 

Teeders then whispered in Cynthia's ear, asking. "Are you sure you two are related?" 

"I got the birth scars to prove it" Cynthia replied rather embarrassingly about her twin goth sister. 

The gang continued wandering around until they ended up in the castle courtyard. 

"Hold up, Shrek. You can't just go barging into some creepy, spooky joint like you own the place" Donkey argued. 

"And why not?" The ogre asked. "It's not like there's anyone here to stop us" 

"Besides we all agreed that we would do this" Kali reminded. 

"I still don't know about this, man" The talking donkey said while nervously looking around. "I'm getting a whole creepy house of wax vibe going on in here"

"You're not the only one" David said to Donkey, taking precaution with this whole thing as well. 

The rest of the gang simply rolled their eyes at the two scardy cats, with Albert even telling the others. "We're surrounded by nitwits" 

"Look, it's that little thingy you love so much, remember?" Shrek showed Donkey that Duloc information booth back from the gang's first adventure together and pulled the lever. 

Everyone watched as the doors opened up to show those annoying doll people about to sing a song. But this time in a very different tune. 

"Welcome to Duloc, it's a creepy town. What was once pristine now is all rundown. We will chop off your head and then laugh when you're dead" 

The Adventure Kids get Scared ShreklessWhere stories live. Discover now