2 part1

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Harry's P.O.V

It's been about a week since I came back with Riddle. He's a smart guy. Funny too. Seems Snape was very happy I brought his father back. The bad news is, I have to take Mind lessons with him starting in a few weeks. For that, I have to move into Professor Snape's quarters. Of course, Tom is there too...but it's dangerous! Two Alphas living with an unclaimed omega? I realize that Tom is Sev's father...but that never stopped Uncle Vernon.

When the Headmaster said where I would be living I looked at him in shock. Didn't he realize that Snape is an unclaimed omega and being alone with me might cause problems? Or does Dumbles know I am Snape's mate and is trying to make it so we learn more about each other? I don't know, honestly. But I am finding it hard to focus. I need a mate badly.

I should have protested, if Tom was good now why did I have to learn mind magic? Is this simply the Headmaster's way of trying to get me as close to Snape as I can?

Fuck, I want my mate. But he hates me. Yet...I can just...claim him without getting to know him. But that's rape. I'm not uncle Vernon, I am not a monster.

Anyway, I realized I walked into Snape's classroom, said the man snarled at me. I paled slightly. How late am I? Potions was after a study period, and he was out of it the whole time. He didn't realize that he was late.

"Really, Potter? Can you EVER come to class on time? Class started 45 minutes ago! You are an imbecile! What in Merlin's name were you doing??" The angry Potions master snarled at the boy.

I sighed in annoyance "I haven't been able to focus because I need my mate. Yet, I don't know where he is yet. I can't claim him." My cold tone and the sudden words caused Snape to freeze in barely hidden terror.

I let a carefree smirk on my lips. I cooed, but the only ones to notice where a few Slytherin omegas. People were staring at me, I glared with my eyes going harsh.

"L-leave, P-P...Potter! Leave now!" Came the voice of unhidden fear of the Severus Snape.

I growled possessively, but I nod and walk away, I was already late. No matter going in there and lose his control.

I needed to find out who my mate was before I go insane. I need to confirm it to be Sev so I don't claim him when they were alone.

He hit his head on the wall as a realization hit him. Griphook! The Goblin manager for the Potter vault. He could go to the Bank and ask for an inheritance test. That should tell him what he wanted to know.

He decided that he would just go now. Screw school for now. He needed to figure out what was going on with him. This isn't just an Alpha thing. The Headmaster is planning something.

I grabbed my map and my invisibility cloak and I decided to go through the tunnel under the whomping willow, to the shrieking shack, which leads me to Knockturn Ally. I take the cloak off after I put a glamor on myself to make me gave red hair that goes to my shoulder and paler skin. Keeping my eyes green and covering my scar with my now scarlet hair. I put the cloak in my pocket where the map is, putting my wand in my secret pocket. I walk through Knockturn to it's entrance to the Bank. I push some magic into the intent ward and walk through into the bank once able.

I see all the Goblins stare at me. I blush a little, but not much. I take the glamor off. I walk up to a teller, said male Goblin waits in annoyance for me to talk. But I just look him in the eye silently. I have been reading a lot this summer. Plus, I have a deep respect for these creatures.

A flash of surprise goes on the face of the Goblin, but then he smirks and stares right back. After a few minutes passed, the pleased Goblin bowed in Greeting. "Well met, Mr. Potter."

I smile pleased as well that I got it correctly. I bowed right back, "Well met, Master Teller." I respond back.

Another flash of surprise flashed across his face, but then he nodded. "What is your business today, Mr. Potter?" He asks in a friendly tone

I smile politely "I wish to meet with Master Griphook, if I may." I asked.

The Goblin chuckled and nodded. His chuckle was raspy, yet not unkind. "Follow me, Mr. Potter."

I nod and follow the now, not-so-angry, Goblin. He leads me through a door on the far side of the room of Tellers and after a few turns, we go to a door with intricate runes on it. On the wall next to it is a plaque with 'Master Griphook' on it. The Goblin, who introduced himself as Griphook's brother and Mr. Flitwick's half brother, Gripclaw. Knocks on the door and I noticed the distinct sound of Griphook's native tongue say came in. I smirk, so all my reading did help me. Not that I'll tell them I now understand Goblin tongue.

Gripclaw opens the door and leads me in. Saying what I did in greeting to Griphook. I just hum and look into his eyes when he looks at me to confirm. I wait for him to bow "Well met, Mr. Potter. I wasn't expecting you so soon. " he said with amusement in his tone.

I bow back surprising the Goblins again by saying in Goblin tongue *"Well met, Master Griphook, I wish to ask if it is possible, to get an inheritance test?"*

My words made them both have a flash of disbelief to go across their faces. No wizard has ever bothered to learn their native tongue. I saw the hidden joy in Griphook's eyes and the friendly wolfish grin on Gripclaw's face. I felt a wave of self-satisfaction go through me. I impressed the Goblins.

*I didn't know any Wizard would bother to learn our native tongue. Worrior Potter. Of course, we can do an inheritance test. It coats 9 gallons. Any rituals will cost an extra gallon each.*  Griphook continued in his native speak. I smile.

*Wonderful, feel free to take them from the Potter vault. Take an extra 30 each for you and Master Teller Gripclaw for being so kind. * I say kindly

Gripclaw blushes and Griphook chuckled with a pleasant nod. *It will be done, Worrior Potter. * the pleased Goblin stated. Motioning for Gripclaw to leave, he got out a crystal blue potion, a dagger, and parchment.

*Alright, Mr. Potter, all you must do is put 10 drops of blood in the potion using the dagger. * Griphook stated after I sat down.

I nodded and took the offered dagger, making a careful, but deep, cut on my index finger I drop 10 careful drops into the potion, it going from crystal blue to Emerald green. I watch fascinated as he takes the potion and dumps in carefully onto the large roll of parchment. Words appear and he taps the roll, making an identical copy before handing me the original copy.

I read it, and get more angry at Dumb-as-a-door.

Oh Sev, really? (Harry Potter fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now