2 part2

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Harry's P.O.V

As I read the inheritance test results I grow angrier and angrier. What the fuck!
I fucking hate Dumblefuck!

I first see a fake birth certificate:

Name: Harry James Potter

Age: 16

Parents: James Charles Potter (Dead), Lillian Rose Potter nee Evens (Dead)

Godfather: Sirius Orion Black-Lupin

Godmother: Alice Longbottom

Real birth certificate

Name: Hadrian Jackson Black-Lupin


Mother: Arthur Winter Black-Lupin (Alive, in a forced relationship with Molly Prewet-Weasly)

Father: Remus Marcus Black-Lupin (Alive, in hiding)
Father: Sirius Orion Black-Lupin(alive, in hiding)

Godfather(s): Lucius Malfoy, James Charles Potter, Tom Riddle

Godmother(s): Narcassia Malfoy nee Black, Lillian Rose Evens, Alice Longbottom

Draco Malfoy(Alive, alpha taken), Neville Longbottom (Alive, being abused, not with Mate.)

Mate(s): Severus Snape-Riddle (Neko), Neville Longbottom (Abused, Forest Lord)

I look at the certificates in shock, I am the son of Arthur, Sirius, and Remus! Sirius is alive! I am 17! Holy Merlin! What else can there be? I growl...forcing my Mum into a relationship when he has mates already is cruel. Is Neville abused by Ron? He's my mate? Not Ron's?

I shake my head and continue to read, this part makes me pissed off even more.


Magical core block 75% (Mostly broken)

Intelligence block 85% block (Broken)

Werewolf and Grim blood and abilities 100% blocked

Animagus (Grim, Raven ) 100% block

Cunfundus charm (90% effective)

Loyalty potion (Keyed to Albus D, Molly W-P, Ronald W-P, Ginny W-P, Light side)

Hate Potion (Keyed to Severus Snape-Riddle (Broken), Draco Malfoy (Broken), Lucius Malfoy), Darkside (60% Broken)

Distrust potion (Keyed to Slytherin house (Re-applied yearly), Severus Snape-Riddle (Re-applied every month), Draco Malfoy (Failed)

Slacker Charm (Keyed to Homework and Potions)

Compulsion Charm (Applied right before bad things happen yearly. Broken)

Memory charms (Applied Yearly to everything regarding real self. 85% Broken)

Forced glamour (Applied unwillingly from age 2-17, Real appearance acted subconsciously as glamour. )

All cast by Albus D.


Natural Healing (90% Blocked)

Super Intelligence(75% blocked, now broken to only 45% blocked)

Werewolf abilities (100% blocked)

Wandless magic (95% blocked)

Wordless Magic (85% blocked)

Metamorphosis(70% Blocked)

Parsaltounge (65% Blocked)

Parsalmagic (75% Blocked)

Master of Death (90% Blocked)

Grim abilities (100% Blocked)

Mate bonds(90% Blocked)

Blocks placed by Albus D.

I growl softly, what actions have I done that was mine? That with one of my mates being taken by Ron. I bet they are stealing my money then. If they have balls enough to steal a mate from me.

I take a deep breath "Are there any unauthorized bank statements?" I ask in English. I have to stay calm.

Griphook nodded and pulls out another roll. Giving it to me. "We have been sending you Owls. I am sorry, Young worrior. It appears that Albus Dumbledore has been stealing from you and paying Molly Wesley-Prewet, Ginny Weasley-Prewet, Ronald Weasley-Prewet, and a Vernon Dursley."

As he listed off people I get pale at the last name. He's been PAYING the Dursley's?!! They've been beating me and treating me like a slave to the point I was sure I would become an omega!

Vernon raped me from when I was 5-13. He stopped when I threatened him with Siri-I mean...my Dad. As at that time, he was still on the run and considered dangerous.

But damn...the memory is very fuzzy....but I could have sworn that Dumblefuck punished me by putting me under the curse.

I growl and snarl "I want all my money and any artifacts back to me with interest. Don't punish any that weren't involved. I also want my mate back to me. No one should be abusing a forest lord...especially a submissive. " he sighed.

Griphook let a menacing grin cover his face. *It will be done. I shall contact young Lord Longbottom, Mr. Weasly, and Heir Malfoy. After we get those blocks off of you."

I nod and he takes me to some nice Goblins. I correctly greet them then they do the rituals needed to get everything off of me. When they are done, I have dark Weasley red hair that goes down to my shoulder blades in neat waves like Sirius, pale skin with my scar gone, and deep green eyes. I must have looked confused because they explained, "Your father, Mr. Remus Black-Lupin has Green eyes." I nodded and smiled. I do look like my usual glamour.

Griphook walks me back to his office. When I walk in, I see my mum, Lord Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, and Neville. I immediately went to Neville and embraced my shaking and crying mate. I would have hugged my Mum...but one of an Alpha's job is to comfort his mate. I stroke his back and the back of his head. He sobbed into my shoulder. "Alpha! I am so sorry! I didn't know you were my mate. I just took an inheritance test. W-we all did. They did the rituals to get everything off or out. " cried Neville. I just croon and hold him tighter. My werewolf not willing me to let go of my upset mate, yet it makes sure I don't hold him too hard. My scent got stronger. My voice was deeper. "Shh, my mate, you did nothing wrong. I am going to neuter Ronald if he raped you. But considering he bragged about taking your first time, he raped you. The important thing is that you are safe. Understand, my darling?" He calms at my reassuring words. My mum looks horrified by what his 'son' did and the two Malfoys sit closer together. Draco is an omega, he clings to his father in fear. No omega should have been raped. It is one of their greatest fears...as well as their fathers.

I sit down in the seat Neville was in but I place my beautiful mate in my lap. He had a flower crown and his eyes were a beautiful earthy green. He was smaller, but that's because I had gained more muscle, as well as getting taller. So...I look like a 17 ½-year-old. I play with his hair, keeping an arm firmly around his waist.

I hear Draco make a sound of pure need at that. I let my scent get stronger and hear the content sounds of my little mate and Draco. My uncle Lucius looks surprised but nods in thanks and held the mateless Omega.

My mum speaks for the first time since I walked in, his voice full of relief and pain at the same time. "Hadrian, I am so sorry. I saw your medical history. I failed you. " he sniffled and I made my scent even stronger. My mum relaxes. "I...I know where your fathers are. I may have had my memories blocked...but they told me where they would go when in a situation like this. We never trusted Albus..." He sighed

I smiled softly "Mum, don't be sorry. You weren't at fault. Also, you really know where Dad and Papa are?" I ask in wonder. He nodded and I smiled even more. I ignored that he saw my medical history, it doesn't matter.

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