Chapter 3 (The game)

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After our little "fight" ,if you can even call it that, Amber tried to give me a hug and when she found I was not having it she stalked off. Bobby and I started for his car my house was not to far from school so the drive went by really fast. Bobby picked out my black and Hot pink dress (go figure he died every time I wore it.) Then he called his mom over to help with my make up.

"Maria , uhm hun did you pick out this outfit or did Bobby?" Mila, Johnny's mom asked me.

"Bobby did. Why is it that bad?" I asked worried that i was wrong on what I was wearing.

"No i just have to redo your make up. Thats all it needs to be more pink less blue now."

"Oh ok thank you." I said while thinking darn stupid Hannah I asked for pink today anyways not blue.

After my make up was done I went down stairs to hear Bobby cooing at my baby sister.

"I swear you are so cute." I said wishing so bad that I could see him.

"Damn babe you looking good!" Bobby said getting up to hold me.

"Thanks it was all yours and your mom's doing. Hay babe who is going to watch Lisa?" I said dreading that he might say us or that he forgot.

"That is what I am here for." His voice was cool and calm but still it made the hairs on the back of my neck crawl. This was non other then my father.

"He said he knew your father and mother when they were kids. He also happened to be my lil brother's sitter so I figured he would do fine."

Bobby began to explain to me so matter of factly.

"Oh Mike I had no idea it was you!" I exclaimed as if I was happy and ran up to give him a hug. In holding him close I made sure that him alone could hear me. "What are you thinking coming into my home. You are not aloud to be here!"

Speaking just as quietly as me my father said "Tonight my daughter when you can see look into your mirror before making a fuss if you wish to try to make this work." then he pulled back and let me go.

"Hay well its good you came by just in time." Said Bobby. I could tell that he was wondering just who this guy was.

"Ya just in time we have to go but thanks Mike." I said pushing on Bobby's chest out the door.

"Thanks Mike! You helped a lot." Bobby said finally out the door. "Hay uhm babe why you in such a hurry."

"I just want you to be on time. I don't want you to be kicked out for being late because of me again." I said grabbing his arm.

"Oh ok fine then. I guess that a good reason." Bobby said looking kinda ashamed.

"Hay its cool now lets get going."

We took yet another short car ride back to school were Bobby lead me up to what I could feel was our place on the Benches. He managed to get me a spot a little higher and closer to the speakers but more private as well. I could feel something like a couch type of seat up there and asked him about it of course he said that it was cool with the couch and everyone. I said ok and gave him a kiss before he agreed to leave me here alone. I knew that there were at least two other people that I should expect coming. One of them being Bobby's best friend Cody and his brother Chris. I got along great with them. Cody was like a battery of fun and joy. I knew that when Bobby was hanging out with Cody he was going to be having good fun. Now his brother Chris, oh boy he is fun but he also is into his work. He has a bit of a temper but is always good hearted and caring for those who need it. For me these brothers equal a great day. I love that Bobby  is friends with them and hangs out with them. Just as I was thinking about them Cody popped up behind me scaring me half to death. Then of course I feel Chris's hand on the back of my neck which once again scares the crap out of me.

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