Chapter 6 (All upside down)

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Chapter 6 (All upside down)

When we got to school we kissed and went our separate ways. My classes were boring me it seemed as if now I knew all to well al the lessons and was learning nothing new yet still having the assignments due. It was drudgery untruly boring and long. I just looked forward to seeing my sweet again. The time seemed to mock me, however finally it had to relent and give me what I wanted. The bell rang and sure enough there he was just standing there waiting for me. Bobby was perfect in every way, he was my knight in shining armor.

"How was class baby?' He said with a smile showing his dimples.

"To long. I missed you." I said as I looped my arms around his neck. "What about yours?"

"They were all right but nothing compared to seeing you." He grinned with as arms were now wrapped around my waist. "Were do you want to go? I could take you home or we could go out to eat."

"Let me think more time with my hot boyfriend or going home and probably playing games or watching movies. This is a tough choice." I waiting a bit then grinned. "Let go get food, I'm starving anyways."

"You had me scared for a little bit." He started to pull away, but then he reconsidered. "Come here you." He said then planted a romantic kiss on my lips.

"Lets go babe, Its gonna be midnight before you ever even get me home what will the baby sitter think?" I said being playful. "Oh wait we still have yet to decide were to eat. I say maybe perhaps Ruby's?" I asked in a sweet girly voice, that always made him melt.

"Of course."

We were off and on our way when I suddenly could hear my fathers voice in my head. He was talking about my sister, in fact he was crying. I could only hear him but it sounded as if some one was trying to take her. Just then one sentence froze me in my seat. "She is not just your daughter jessica." My mother was there and trying to take my sister away from me.

"Bobby! I need to go home NOW. I feel really sick." I said in a monotone voice while holding back tears.

"Alright my dear I understand. Do you want me to stay with you though and take care of you?" Bobby said placing a hand on my leg.

"No I'm fine baby I just need to get home and fast."

We rode in silence. The only thing I could hear now was my fathers tears and his heart rate beating very fast. It was as if I was feeling what he felt. I felt pain in my chest and my head was pounding. When we pulled up to the house I jumped out of the car and just ran. I couldn't stop myself, My sister was in trouble and my father was hurting. I could not Just sit aside and let them be in trouble. It seemed like forever till I arrived in the village but once there I was frantic in looking for my baby sister. I listened for her cry anything i could that might tell me she was with the walkers. I kept on running right up to my house. My father was walking out to greet me his face was the one thing that told me she is not here.

"Your mother came and said that she wanted her daughter back." My father said as a tear ran down his cheek.

"Dont cry I will fix this." I said wiping the tear from his face. "I will bring her back to us. Her place is with me and you."

With that I just turned around and ran back to my house. I could hear Lisa crying from like 100 feet away from the house. When I rounded the corner I could see that Bobby had gone inside my house and was probably waiting for me. I ran through the front door and before I saw anyone I quickly composed my self and calmed down.

"Hay babe sorry about that, I had to vomit and I didn't want you to see that you know." I smiled a cute innocent grin as I rounded the corner to find Bobby holding my now sleeping baby sister.

"Your mom is here." He said very monotone and it looked as if he was mad.

"Oh. Alright thanks hunny for telling me." I smiled at him only to be met with cold eyes. "I'll be back." I mumbled as i turned and walked up my stairs.

My legs felt heavier the closer I got to my mom's "room," (not that she ever stayed long enough to sleep). I felt like I was made of solid iron from my head to my toes. Lifting my hand to knock on her door was excruciatingly painful. One, Two knocks and out burst my mom with hair like fire. Her eyes were wild and she looked as if murder was on her mind.

"So it's true. You are like him. How did you get in without me inviting you?" my mother said in a death cold hiss.

"Its probably cause this is my house." I knew that would hit a nerve but it was. I paid for it. I lived here not her just me and Olivia. "Why are you here? ... Lisa doesn't know you anymore surely  you saw that. You left us and I raised her from 8 months old to now. Surely  you can't think that you will take her now. She would never go with you, and I won't let you steal her from me."

"Stay away from my child! You are no longer allowed here. You have joined them. They took everything from me." My mom yelled as her eyes turn a horrid shade of black. "Lisa is all I have left!"

"Lets have her chose. You think you can take her from me? I dare you to just go a head and try." I said stepping to where i was now 4 inches from her face. "You know I am much more powerful then you now. In fact Im more powerful then all of them too, and you know this to be true." her face went from anger to shock to down right fear. "I suggest you don't mess with MY Daughter!" I said baring my teeth at her and grinning wickedly from what I saw in the mirror behind her head.

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