Chapter 5 (The Rift)

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I awoke wondering when I had laid down my head. I was in this simple yet lavish purple and gold room. From my bed I could see a gold antique looking mirror, underneth it sat a white fire place that had a more modern appeal to it yet it fit well with the mirror and the white with golden trim sofa and love seat. The walls were a faint purple with golden diamond shapes under the mirror and just the faint purple on the rest of the walls. The bed I was in had one of those princess veil coverings in gold while the sheets were a silky gold with a dark purple that matched the vases and pictures of violets in the room. It was then that my eyes caught a bit of the same blankets in the left hand corner by my head. It was Olivia's crib, it looked like they decided to go with more of a bassinet type of look. It matched the bed I was in really well. Then I heard a booming sound from the corner of the room. I stumbled around trying to find the offending noise that was or so I thought waking up my baby sister. I soon found that the intrusive noise was coming from a purple and white striped alarm clock. I turned it off and turned to find that my sister was still sound asleep. Then I felt through the floor and all the way up my leg the pounding of foot steps fast approaching, yet the person was not running. I rushed over to Lisa and stood between her and the door as it swung open and my father stepped in with my backpack over his shoulders.

"You will need this for school correct?" My father said setting my backpack on the white love seat. "Sorry for waking you up early but you have to meet Bobby at your house do you not?"

"Oh thats right I have school. Thanks and yes i probably should get going." I said very confused. "Dad? Why did only I wake up from the alarm and not Lisa?"

"I knew that question was coming, surely you have realized that you have better seances then the average human. Our hearing is much better so your alarm is so low that only you can hear it. Lisa can't even hear us speaking right now." he said looking at my baby sister reaching out to hold her yet pulling back.

"Then how will I be able to speak to her?" I said getting really sad thinking that i would never be able to speak to my baby sister ever again.

"Your voice is already adapted. Its just natural for you." My father said sitting down on the couch. "Now go you will be late if you don't leave now. I will take care of Lisa, after all she is my daughter too."

"Alright. I am off. Bye dad and thanks for being here." I said feeling sorry for my dad.

I ran through the halls and noticed how nice this mansion really was the gold and whites that ran along the walls were just stunning. The ceiling was so high that I could badly see the faces staring down at me. The doors were getting closer and closer at rapid speeds. They were dark black and gold metallic swinging doors. I pushed through them still at my very fast pass and continued through the forest toward my house. I had twigs smacking me the whole way, yet when I got back I noticed that there was nothing not even small scratches. Bobby was just getting out of his car so I decided to run around the back of the house so I was located on the left side of my house near my garden. It was not uncommon for me to be working in the garden while I waited so I started walking around from the left walking towards Bobby when I realized I still had to put in my contacts.

"Bobby? I am in the garden but I need to change my shirt I got some mud on it. Just wait in your car for me ok?" I franticly said as I rushed to put mud on my shirt.

"Oh ok I didn't know you were back there." Bobby said being as cute as ever.

I waited till I saw him open his car door then I ran inside and up the stairs that lead to my room. I went straight in and to the very far right into my master bathroom. Threw my bag the counter and dove in to find my contacts they were at the very bottom of the bag (of course). I carefully put them in and looked at myself I was even prettier than  I ever have remembered. My eyes were stunning, it was as if the red underneath enhanced my original color in the contacts. My lips seemed a darker tint of red. My eyes then caught the mud on my nice shirt. I was so worry ed about my eyes that I didn't see witch shirt I had ruined. With a sigh I tossed it aside and went to my draw and found it empty except for one t shirt that was sparkly and just perfect for my new look. I put it on and found that it hung just right on my frame so that it did not add more to my stomach. I took one last look and then ran out the door. When I jumped into Bobby's car all I heard was him gasp.

"Baby you look fantastic, Now I don't want to take you to school you looking way to good." Bobby said wrapping his arms around me.

"Thanks hun, I didn't know if it was a good pick for me or not. We do have to go to school sadly though." I said looking straight into his eyes.

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