10- We're sorry libra.

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•Aries POV•

I woke up a little later today, it's Sunday so no ones going to school. I'll probably do nothing today unless libra invites all of us to another party, last nights party was out of hand,let's just say lots of glass was broken and the snacks are all gone, I'm pretty sure cancer and Pisces rented every sad romance they could find, tears were spilt. It was fun but crazy. Then my phone rings. "Hello?" "Hi!" I cheerful girl perks "libra how'd you get my number" "you know gemini duh, so anyway were throwing another party so yea bye!" Before I could say bye the girl hangs up the phone. She such a dork. I throw on a hoodie and jeans. I start walking to Libra's house. I see Pisces and cancer on the way. I imagine Gemini and Leo are already there. I ring the doorbell and Leo let's me in. "So what's this about" I ask him "libra said she was bored and he wanted to see all of you" he laughed. "She's a dork" i roll my eyes "she my dork" he huffs. "Whatever man" I laugh. "Ari! You made it yay." She give me hug. "Libra space" Leo looks kinda jealous. "Oh sorry I forgot." She plays with a price of her hair. "It's fine libra" I smirk trying to get Leo jealous. She hugs me once again. "Libra~~ hug me not him" Leo pouts. She laughs, and goes over and kisses him on the cheek. Leo sticks his tongue at me. Why is everyone such dorks. "Libra I'm going to kill you" I hear my angry gemini yell. "I- uh w-what did I-I do" libra screams. "You didn't buy cookies!!!!" She chases libra with her shoe. "Eeek I'm sorry I forgot kill Aries I told him to buy them" w-what she did not?! "Libra you sneaky liar" I scoff. Gemini runs towards me and tackles me. "Gemini~ why me" I huff "you didn't by cookies you jerk" she pouts. "Libras obviously lying" but before I can pin point where libra is I hear her bedroom door lock. "Come out you coward!" Gemini pounds on her door. Where did Leo go? "Leo stop snooping" I hear libra yell. "Leo I swear touch my little girls stuff and I will kill you!" The door unlocks with Leo and libra falling out. "Ow. You jerk" libra huffs. "So who wants to die first?" Gemini asks they both point at each other until the door opens then they point at cancer and Pisces who has no idea what's going on. "You guys are dead!" Gemini chases them "Leo and libra I hate you!" Cancer yells. Libra quickly messes with Leo's hair and runs. "Libra my hair!" "I don't like your hair ,I'm jee jelly of your hair" she yells. "Why because it's awesomely awesome" "no you dork because you love it more than me" she pouts. They're to weird for me. Why are they so lovey dovey. I'm going to continue watching though (nosy Aries...Alert). Leo laughs. "I don't love my hair more than you" he laughs "prove it" she huffs. Leo kisses her, "do I really need to?" He smirks. "N-no n-nevermind l-let's go." "Ok~" he smirks in victory. Gross...( that's the Aries I know) wow everyone's here now, even my brother Scorpio which is currently flirting with cancer, or what he thinks is flirting which actually just being rude . "I hate you gemini! So why do you bother apologizing, your nothing better then the rest of us" I hear a familiar voice yell. "G-guys please don't do this" libra stutters out (tea 🍵). "Get out of here libra! I hate you, you have everything a perfect life! The perfect boy! The perfect friends! Your miss perfect! But the thing is? No ones likes you! We all think your just the dork who follows us around, your nothing to us! Your just there, being nothing, because you are nothing." Sagittarius yells. "How dare you yell at libra! She not in th" Gemini gets cut off. Libra starts sobbing? "You call getting bullied about your life every single day perfect! You call having your dad dying when you where only 4 and your mom never comes and visits perfect! I had to wait for so long until I could confess to Leo! Every girl liked him I thought I didn't have a chance I thought I was ugly or he was to good for me! I doubt myself everyday I think I'm every bit of worthless, ugly, nothing special, and a waste of a person! Then your right I have a perfect life! And I'm sorry if I ruined yours, I invited you so I could apologize to you...but I guess you made yourself clear, I'll leave you alone sag. . She sobs more and more while she runs out of the room. "Great job sag, what a good friend, she respected you and wanted to be your bestie" Gemini says before chasing after libra. How long has this been going on, I make eye contact with Sag and just ignore her. I wonder if Leo saw that? Where is he? There I see shocked Leo in the hall, he must've heard everything. "Leo are you ok?" "I- didn't know, I'm her boyfriend and best friend and I didn't know. She's been hurting and I haven't noticed. I could've helped her through this but she's been bottling it in, she's never thinking about herself, only others." He quietly walks out of the house searching for libra. Everyone in the room is either shocked or crying. When I think about he's right. Libra has helped everyone in this room, she always lifts everything one spirit, without libra we would be a disaster, chaos would rise and sadness would grow. Libra is our peace, and we all just think of her as one of the weirdo dorks. But she's the one who keeps us together she's the glue. libra why haven't you told anyone. Taurus and Aquarius are near tears. Cancer and Pisces and Virgo are crying. Scorpio and Capricorn are speechless. And Sagittarius is standing there, in regret ( don't worry my Sagittarius's you have good in your future) . None of us noticed, because libra always puts on the positive act. I'm sorry libra I'm really sorry.

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