chapter 28- regina n adrian 😆

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regina pov
ok i should make a teacher seducing buisness it would give me lots of money since i'm not a prostitue anymore but anyways i need money leorio and i have located the location of sadie . but we need a flight there and it costs lots of money

anyways the new kids name is adrian and he wants to seduce jimbo 🥱🥱

ugh hes annnoying af😭🙏 god pls help me

anyways he's a dumb bitch he was like ong ru single like butch no i have a bf leorio to be exact

adrian pov
forget jimbo ,, regina so hot but she has a bf :( ugh i hate it here 🆒 anyways back to jimbo i hope he doesn't reject me !!! maybe we cud start a family ✨✨✨ sike!! that'd be weird af having kids with ur teacher LMAOOO (we are talking abt u sasha)

anyways i got sum tips and tricks from regina, i still love her though i think i'm in love with regina 🙄😭 i will ahve a poly relationship jimbo regina and me. pls i hate leorio this butch kicked me for forgetting to call him MR. Leorio

so i shat on him and regina kicked me out well at least ik how to seduce jimbo

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