Part 3

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Donald headed down stairs...Hours Later...Tasha was cooking Christmas dinner with Leo...

Donlad grabbed Chase and put him down stairs...''Are you okay?'' Donald asked. Chase nodded. 'Okay...WELL,Adam, Bree..'' Bree super sped in the lab and hit Chase and knocked him down hard.

''Owch.'' Chase cried. Donald gasped as that happened.

''Are you okay'' Donald asked as then. They Helped Bree off Chase,Then helped Chase off the floor.

''Bree watch out next time...?'' Donald asked. ''Well sorry tomorrows Christmas eve and where still glitching.'' Bree complained. '' I know.'' Donald said.

''Yeah.'' Hours later it started to get dark ...

Tasha was having trouble cooking. Donald was having g trouble helping the kids.

''ACHOO!.'' Donald rubbed Chase's back. Chase started to cough. ''It's okay, you're okay.'' Donald soothed.

An hour later Tasha burned the bread.

''Leo,I can't do it.''Tasha cried. ''Don't worry mom.I got this. Its under control.''Then the stove cought on fire. Leo's eyes went wide. ''Okay, step one.'' Leo said.

Meanwhile in the lab...

''Bree slow down!? you're gonna hurt your self!'' Donald yelled. She super sped speed around the room on purpose. ''Why should I?'' She asked. Then she stopped. 'Because,it's only gonna make it worse.''Donald explained. Bree looked down at her feet,and back at Donald. He rolled his eyes.

''You never Listen will you?!'' He shouted. ''Nope.'' Bree said, then glitched and super speed around the lab again.

Then Adam rushed up to Donald and threw him across the room. Bree and Adam laughed. Then Adam grabbed Chase and threw him across the room. Bree frowned. ''No Adam, Not Chase?'' Bree shouted and stopped. ''ADAM?''Bree yelled. Donald helped Chase up. and helped him walked over to Adam and Bree. ''Okay...Really Guys...STOP Hitting and throwing your LITTLE BROTHER!'' Doanld said then Put Chase in his capsule. ''ow.''

Hours later it was getting dark and we headed to bed...

After Christmas eve

December 25

''Christmas Merry!'' Adam said.

''Merry Christmas.'' Bree said.

They all started to have a little fun. But of caurse they all started to glitch'' Later they opened gifts they were playing with there gifts...

Later Chase started to glitch even more. ''Shhh,You're gonna be's okay.'' Donald asked.

''Okay Chase is?'' Adam asked walking in the room. Donald nodded.

Later that night. They all headed to bed.

December 26

In the after noon...

Adam threw Donald on accident in the living room. ''Sorry.'' Adam said. then later, Leo had some Ice cream in his hand...

''Up What's Leo Hey...'' Adam said. Then Leo took a lick on his Ice cream, Then Adam threw Leo Ice cream and grabbed Leo and Threw him across the room. '' Leo sorry.'' Adam said. Then Then Donald got up and helped Leo up. Then Bree came in texting Owen, she walked in front of Adam. ''Bree hi.'' Adam said. Then Bree woudln't answer.

''Bree Hi.'' Bree looked up from her phone.

''oh hi Adam, hey did you know tha-'' Adam threw Bree's phone and couldn't help but throw her too. But luckily Donald caught her in time. ''Whoa.'' Bree said. "Thank you.'' Bree said.

''Are you okay?'' He asked her. She nodded. Then Donald let her got.

''ADAM!?'' They all said. ''Bree sorry I'm.'' Adam said feeling guilty. Then Chase walked in coughing, then he saw Adam looked at his hand and hid them behind his back. He already knew he does not wan't to throw his little brother. ''Adam! Don't, you, dare throw him.'' Donald asked.

Then Adam grabbed Chase and Donald tried to catch him. So he did catch him.

''Are you okay?''' Donald asked then leaded His to the couch.

''Adam!?'' Bree shouted. ''Are you hurt?'' Donald asked.

''Adam really?'' Donald.

''Mr. Davenport it help can't I.'' Adam said. Donald sighed. 'It's okay.'' Donald said. Later it was dark and they were heading to ed. ''Goodnight.'' Donald said then they fell asleep

Hey was that so far...feel free to review...see ya next time...

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