Missing her

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Just some Cady and Janis content, don't mind me...



There was a sound from the doorway, me and Damian turned to see Mrs Hubbard stood just inside of the room, her PJs still on as she shuffled into the kitchen, "Good morning." She greeted kindly, "You two are up early."

Damian winked at me and turned to his mother, "Well you did say we'd be leaving early today." He said, standing up and flicking on the kettle, preparing a mug of tea for his mother.

Mrs Hubbard flicked the back of his head good naturedly, "No cheek young man!" He scolded lightly, smiling over at me as she did so, "How did you sleep dear?"

"Fine, I guess." I mumbled, trying to ignore the look Damian shot my way as I spoke and then pokeing my toung out at him when Mrs Hubbard turned her back for a second, "Better then I have In a while actually." That bit wasn't a lie, appart from waking up lying in a puddle of my own blood, I had slept pretty well for me, nightmare included.

Damian shot me another look, "I slept great as well, thanks for asking Ma!" He teased, handing her the cup of tea and ducking under her arm as she went to flick his head again. Pressing a kiss to her cheek he sat down next to me again, still smirking.

As Mrs Hubbard bustled about the kitchen me and Damian sat and talked, occasionally stopping to take a sip of our drinks or a bite out of the plate of pancakes Mrs Hubbard put infront of us.

All three of us jumped when my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket, smiling when I read the contact, "Do you mind?" I asked as I gestured to my phone and then the door, silently asking if I could take the call.

"Go ahead Dear." Mrs Hubbard said, nodding me off as she took a bite of her own stack of pancakes.


The minute I was out of the door the phone was at my ear, "Hello, your favourite freak here!" I called, grinning to my self as I waited for an answer.

"Why hello there, nice of you to finally answer." The voice on the other end drawled, laughing her contagious laugh as she spoke, "I thought you were gonna leave me hanging for a moment there Jan."

I made an offended sound, placing my hand over my heart even though she couldn't see me do it, "Would I ever do that to you Caddie?" I asked sarcastically.

She laughed again, "Knowing you yes." We both chuckled for a second before she asked the question I had been expecting for ages, "So how are they?"

Without answering her question I shot another one back at her, "Shouldn't you be at lunch right about now Cads? I asked, remembering the eight hour time difference between Kenya and Chicago.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" Cady shot back, not accepting my change of subject, "Exactly, now shoot."

"Well they're nice." I muttered quietly, hopeing that I wouldn't be heard in the kitchen, "As far as I can tell anyway."

Cady made an excited noise, "That's great Jan!" She exclaimed, "At least you're giving these ones a chance."

Leaning back against the wall I rolled my eyes, "Caddie I never said that, besides not all families are actually as nice as they make out they are. I'm just waiting for this one to end up like all the others."

"I know Hon, but you gotta give it time. You can always call Mrs Norbury if you want to leave." In my head I can just see the upset face she is pulling, her lips turned down as her pretty blue eyes dim a little.

I sigh, "I wish you were here." I mumble, "I miss you so much." I feel the tears spring to my eyes as I say this.

"I know you do baby. I'm sorry. If I were there you never would have had to go live with the Anderson's. But my parents promised me I could come visit for Christmas and if we're lucky I'll be coming back home by next year." I knew Cady was trying to make me feel better but it wasn't working like it usually did.

"Cady, I'm trying to be better." I eventually say after a couple of seconds of silence, "Really I am."

"I know you are baby. I'm so proud of you for it as well." There's a shout from her side of the phone as she says this, "I'm sorry babe I've got to go. One of the lion cubs has gotten stuck the wrong side of the reserve."

"Send me pictures will you?" I say, my mood picking up a little at the idea of more cute pictures of Cadys favourite lion cub Buddy, "And stay safe because I demand at least one kiss under the mistletoe this year. I don't care what it takes."

She laughs at that, "I promise I'll stay safe Jan. But only if you promise me the same thing." Her voice is cheerful but I can tell she's being serious.

"I promise." I replied, also completely serious, with safety, we never joked around, "I love you."

"I love you more Jan. I really love you. And I miss you. And I'm sorry we had to leave you behind." She sounds upset for a moment.

"Love that wasn't your fault. The industry has rules against foster kids going to other countries with the foster families and you guys had to go. I never blamed you for even a second." I promised her.

Cady grumbled, "It still sucks though."

"I know it does. I'll talk to you soon okay?" I asked, "I love you."

"Love you more! Bye!" She called, putting the phone down before I could object and say I loved her more.


I walk back into the kitchen with a smile on my face, sitting back at my stood and cutting up a peice of pancake as Damian stared at me quizically, "What?" I laughed, his face cracking me up.

Narrowing his eyes he leant towards me, "Was that a boy? Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked.

Mrs Hubbard must have kicked him under the table because he flinched and sat up properly, "That is none of your business Damian Hubbard." She scolded firmly.

I smiled innocently at him, "It was my girlfriend actually." I say, watching his face melt into a surprised grin and shoving pancake into my mouth before he could ask me any other questions.

"Janis I completely forgot to tell you but we're going to be getting your school uniform today as well." Mrs Hubbard said, catching my attention rather quickly.

Wrinkling my nose I looked over at her, "I have to wear a uniform?"

"Yes dear." She replied at the same time Damian mumbled something that sounded like, "Unfortunately yes." Under his breath, earning him another swift kick under the table from Mrs Hubbard.

"Don't listen to him Janis, the uniform is lovely." She said, glaring at her son as he stuck his toung out at her, "I'm sure you'll look great in it."

I nodded along and shot a disgusted look towards Damian when she wasn't looking. One thing I hated more then school was school wirh uniforms.

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