Part 1

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Beads of sweat formed on my forehead. No... No... I shook my head and grasped on the thing next to me.

"Y/N?" My older brother, Hoseok shook my body. I slowly opened my eyes and realized that it was just a bad dream. Hoseok asked while I was still trying to catch my breath, "Did you have that dream again?"

"Yeah," I nodded and felt tears streaming down my face. "Why is there a guy that keeps on appearing in my dreams? But his face... It's blurry," I clutched on the blanket that was laying on my lap as I sat up. "And why does it hurt so much here?" I pointed the middle of my chest.

Hoseok who was now sitting on the side of my bed, caressed my hand. "Y/N, do you want me to stay with you again until you fall asleep?"

I shook my head and let out a thin smile, "I'll be alright. Maybe a glass of water could help?"

He chuckled, "Okay. I'll go get it for you my dearest sister."

"Thank you Hoseok," I watched his figure disappear as he went out of my room. Who could he be? Why can't I see his face? Why does he keep on appearing in my dreams?

Taehyung's POV

"Taehyung, are you ready?" My mother asked as she checked our things one last time. "Yes mom," I smiled and hurried downstairs. "Aren't you excited to meet your uncles and aunties again, once we are back in South Korea?" Her smile was from ear to ear. I've never seen her getting thrilled like this. "Of course, I am," I lightly held her shoulder then added. "But, don't you think father is more excited?"

"Why?" My mother tilted her head as we headed out of the door.

"Well," I adjusted my baseball cap. "He's passing the company down to me now," I shrugged my shoulders.

"My dear son, that only means your father trusts you. Not only your father, but also the board of directors."

"Thank you mom for lifting up my spirits," I opened car door and gestured her to come inside. "You are the best gift that ever happened to us," she caressed my cheek before going inside.

"You didn't have to do that Sir Taehyung," our butler, Mr. Song bowed and held the car door for me. "Come on Mr. Song," I nudged him, "Don't be so strict and stiff. Besides, it's not that hard to open a door." I winked and got inside.


Dropping by to Mr. Han's bakeshop was always a part of my morning routine before going to work. "Good morning Mr. Han!" my cheery voice echoed in the whole bakeshop. I looked around and noticed that there were a few customers inside. I lowered my head and proceeded to the counter. "Hey Y/N, good morning!" Taeyong, the cashier who's about the same age as I am greeted. Actually, his good looks helped in boosting the bakeshop's popularity and sales. Mr. Han would always boast about it.

"Hey Taeyong," I waved at him and smiled. "Have you seen Mr. Han?"

"He won't be coming today. He is on a date with his wife," he giggled as he wiped his hands on his apron. "Mr. Han is such a romantic person don't you think?" I placed my hands on the counter and leaned forward. "He is indeed," he smiled shyly.

"Is my favorite egg tart available?" I asked excitedly. "My boss always prepares it ahead of time," he turned his back briefly and when he came back, he was already holding a paper bag. "Here you go," Taeyong handed my order.

"Thank you," I gave him my payment and left the store. This is enough to make my day.

Jungkook's POV

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