Part 5

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Mr. Kang really loves to give a lot of tasks. So, I told Jungkook not to wait for me anymore. He went ahead of me while I stayed another hour in the office. Once I was done, I decided to visit the nearby park and 'people-watch'. I took a seat on the empty wooden bench, and laid my back comfortably. Out of nowhere, a ball came bouncing and touched my foot. I picked it up and handed over to the kid who seemed to be running after it. "Here you go. It's late, you should go home." I smiled at him and he smiled back. "My dear son, let's go home!" Yelled the woman not far from us. "Thank you, Miss! Have a good night!" The kid bid goodbye and ran to woman who appeared to be his mom. "How lovely," I mumbled to myself. All of a sudden, I heard a male voice saying, "Just like you." A charming smile was painted across his face.

"Taeyong? What are you doing here?" I motioned him to sit beside me. "Mr. Han told me that I can go home early," he said as he handed me a strawberry milk. "Want some?" He asked. I gasped and said, "I mean how can I decline to that?! That's my favorite!" I quickly grab it and giggled.

"I always know," he spoke in a low voice as he stared on the lawn in front of us. It was getting dark and a few of the people were slowly packing up. "Have you ever thought?" He dreamily asked me. I looked at him and noticed how his face looked so innocent, even if he had that strong muscular features of a man. "Have you ever th-" he stopped mid-sentence as another person approached us. "Mr. Kim?" He looked so pissed and glared at the man sitting beside me. Taeyong, on the other hand, didn't bother to look at him. "Maybe we can talk some other time Y/N?" he rubbed the back of his neck. He went for a hug, but stopped when Mr. Kim spoke, "What are you doing?" He cocked an eyebrow. Taeyong who was looking at ease awhile ago, suddenly looked shocked as he faced Mr. Kim. "I'm taking my employee with me," Mr. Kim harshly took my hand, leaving Taeyong alone.

Taehyung's POV

"What is wrong with you Mr. Kim?! I was talking to my friend," I could feel that she was mad. I was still holding her hand firmly. "Didn't you see how he looked at you?" I pointed to the direction where we came from. We were still at the park, but far enough from that guy. "And why does it matter to you?" She scoffed then continued. "Didn't you want me to keep a distance away from you?"

After she said those words, I slowly let go of her hand. I stared into her glistening eyes. Why does it bother me to see you with another guy? "I really don't understand you Mr. Kim," she shook her head and turned her back on me.

"Jung Y/N," my deep voice was enough to make her stop on her tracks. "Never let any guy approach you." Those words came out of my mouth naturally. It sounded so sincere and overprotective. She then turned to me with a confused look.

"Never let any guy approach you." Why does it feel like this already happened before? I looked deeply into Mr. Kim's eyes and said, "I'm doing my best to stay away from you. But you don't let me." He took a step closer to me, but I took a step back. We were like that for a few seconds until my back hit a tree. He quickly placed his hands on the tree behind me. I'm trapped. "Mr. Kim-" my breath hitched. He made me look at him by touching my chin. His eyes were speaking to me. Why does it feel so familiar? Then, I felt the stinging pain in my head again. It truly hurts like hell. And, my heart. It wasn't beating like crazy. It was feeling heavy, it was hard for me to breath. My knees got weak and I crouched down in front of Mr. Kim. I glanced at him, and he seemed to be saying something, but I could not understand a word he said. A few seconds after that, everything around me turned black.

"I told you to stay away from Taeyong," said the person who looked like... Mr. Kim? "I already told you that he's just a friend to me," I tried to explain while tears formed in my eyes. "I don't trust him," the man in front of me looked defeated as he cupped my cheeks. "I can't afford to lose you Y/N," he added. "Me too. I can't afford to lose you too Ch-"

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