Part 2

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Flashback – Twenty Years Ago

Author's POV

"Mommy... Daddy..." The two little boys cried upon seeing what was in front of them. Lifeless bodies of the two adults whom they have always depended on. Their parents. Ambulances arrived taking the two bodies, while policemen came to investigate on the scene. A big truck hit the car where the two boys were found. Luckily, they were both safe. Not even a bruise can be seen on their bodies.

"Taehyung-ah," said the older one. "Don't be scared, you can hold my hand." He tried to smile but his tears kept on flowing.

"Chang Wook-ah... Where are they taking mommy and daddy?" The younger one moved closer to his brother. They just stared into each other's eyes. Nothing but silence accompanied them, as they held onto each other's hands tightly.

"Ki Taehyung, Ki Chang Wook?" Two officers approached them. "Are you the twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ki?"

"Yes," the two boys answered in unison.

"I'm officer Lee and we'll take you somewhere where you two will be safe, alright?" The officer spoke pleasantly and gave them a friendly smile. "Let's go?"

Timeskip – Present Time


"Are you sure, we haven't met him before?" The same question I've been asking my best friend after seeing the CEO's son. "I really don't recall him," Jungkook caressed his chin.

We were waiting for the elevator door to open, and I was glad that we both finished our tasks on time. "Don't you think Mr. Kang looks so happy today?" I asked while looking at our reflections on the shiny silver door in front of us.

"He is," he grinned. "I hope he is always in a good mood."

"Yeah," I agreed and stared down on the new shoes that I bought just for today, when a deep voice approached us. "Good evening," the same guy from earlier spoke.

"Good evening sir," Jungkook and I responded at the same time, as we bowed politely in front of the CEO's son. I noticed how my best friend moved close to me after witnessing what happened earlier.

"Mr. Kim," Mia who happened to be the daughter of one of the board of directors came to the scene. Her smile was soon replaced with a frown. "Where are your manners? Is that how you greet the CEO's son?" Her voice was high and authoritative.

"We-" I tried to explain but Mr. Kim was very quick. "They already did Mia. No need to scold them," he smiled and it was breathtaking. Jungkook seemed to notice how I stared at Mr. Kim so he nudged me, and we both giggled.

"What's funny?" Miss Mia asked looking annoyed.

"Nothing Miss Mia," Jungkook responded and just in time the elevator opened. We let them in first, as a gesture of courtesy.

Taehyung's POV

I looked at the two employees who seemed to be having fun with each other's presence. They seemed to be very very close. I clenched my fists which were hidden in the pockets of my black slack pants. When the elevator reached the ground floor, they bid goodbye except for Mia. "Mr. Kim, do you want to have dinner together?" A smile formed on her face unlike awhile ago.

"I'm sorry Mia, but I already have an appointment." I politely declined.

"Then, let me drop you off." She offered. Isn't she too straightforward? "I have a driver to take me home. We can hang out some other time," I suggested.

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