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I did everything I could to keep Onyx because Ichigo has never been this demanding before, has he really forgotten that he is now my cousin? So when night arrived, I could not get to sleep because of how he was acting towards me, Alex, Onyx, Mugetsu, Esperanza, and Shiro, when it comes to Orihime, his son, Rukia, and Renji he acts like nothing is wrong. I wonder it has to do with the fact that HIS memories are obscured now, if that's the case, I need to do something about this, I softly called out, "Hey Onyx." "Couldn't sleep?" he asked. I sighed meaning that there was something on my mind, Onyx opened up the closet door like Rukia used to do, "What's on your mind?" "Ichigo has been acting very weird," I said, "Are his memories obscured this time?" "I wish I knew but we need to get everyone back before things get worse," said Onyx, "Thankfully I know on how to get them back. Let's sneak out and find a Karaoke place so we can loose the tension." That is what we exactly did, Onyx was always the one to keep his guard up even when Ichigo was being protective, doesn't matter, Onyx is my brother and guardian. We walked into a place that has a stage but no one was singing, Onyx asked the manager of the place, "Can we take the stage for tonight?" She was the sweetest lady, told us, "Of course you can, darlings." We walked up the stage and we saw Alex again, this time he was with Volaris, he knew exactly on what to play when he saw us, Ignite played first to warm us up, we got no one's attention for some time, which means we got to up our game. The lady who let us was watching us, she was loving us and how in sync we were being, she asked us, "Are you two a couple?" "No, we are brother and sister," said Onyx, "Don't ask, just accept it."

She nods, I think she knows on what we are because Carry On from Avenged Sevenfold started to play, got Levy back, because there was someone with a cup of water who watched their drink vanish to thin air, then we heard, "Hey guys!" Onyx shouted, "Aunt Levy!" She waved where the lady was, then Centuries played then started to get some attention with Must Be Nice from Nickelback it was only Onyx this time. Then I noticed that did not got their attention, I felt someone behind me, I turned, Jagaur's back, he was head bobbing to the Nickelback song, "Hey, Jagaur." He looks at me finally, then smiles, "I'm waiting for a hug." I hugged him same with Levy, then I did Immortals from Fall Out Boy, and In The Air Tonight from Phil Collins, I guess that there was a colonel who was supposed at his base because we heard someone who never raised his voice and that colonel was close to harming the lady that let us on stage, then we saw a fist and a few teeth falling into view. Hurricane is back, never lost his chivlray, then we heard him say, "Get out of here, scumbag." The guy ran out, I waved, "Hi, Hurricane!" "Hey, Lady Akari," he said, immediate change of attitude, "Don't mind me I'm just doing my thing." "As we can see, by the way, nice to have you back," said Onyx, "Next song." Not Gonna Die, Out of Hell, and Rise from Skillet played then A Light That Never Comes from Linkin Park played, got Raven and Layla back. Then Thunder played, I felt a shocking feeling and out came Evangeline beginning to dance with her partner Hurricane.

A lot of songs later, I got most of them back, my sassines came back because Jagaur was the source of it all. I was back in bed same with Onyx, everyone else hoped onto Hurricane's back and went straight to the cottage to power up the portal so that the others would come out. I can not wait to see mom and dad after so long of being away from them, morning rises and it was time to handle Hollows, I was energized again, I am now use to my falchion because I did a couple Heart blasts to a few, Ichigo caught up to me, Onyx, and Mugetsu, tells only me, "Let Kazui have his first kill." I rolled my eyes, "He's not old enough, Ichigo Kurosaki." Then I casted a Shadow Ball, threw it at a Hollow who was going after his son, "He has yet to know on what to do." "I'm sorry, what is going on," he asked, "First thing you were scared to even fight with your falchion and now you are using it with no problem, what happened to you?" "Wouldn't you like to know," I sassed, "I'm not telling. Let's go Mugetsu and Onyx." "No, you are not going anywhere until you tell me on what is going on with you," said Ichigo. Then the thought of hate surge through my body and mind, it was unbearable this time, Mugetsu could see this, tapped on the side of my temple, it calmed the being inside, saying, "Keep calm until we get into the cottage." I nodded to what he said, Mugetsu said to Ichigo, "Dude, you are effecting her every action to do anything. She is battling something greater than her and it might kill her." Raven showed up and casted a mental lock key, unlocked his memories again, Ichigo ended up saying, "I didn't know that what I was doing was causing her to be like this."

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