Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Harry wanted to smack himself in the face for that oversight, but truthfully, he’d been busy with other, much more important things, and for the last two months, ever since McGonagall had made a genuine attempt to correct Hermione’s out-of-control behaviour, Hermione had kept to herself, making no trouble and keeping her head down while she spent most her time quietly studying. And thus, Harry had genuinely not even considered her when he started the Culture Club.

Well, there was nothing for it. As per Hogwarts’ rules and regulations he couldn’t keep Hermione from joining an official student club. Of course, should Hermione make a nuisance of herself, Harry, as the founder and president of the Culture Club, could ask for a vote of all the members to get rid of her, and as long as a majority voted for her expulsion from the club there was nothing Hermione could do to stop it. Harry was at least somewhat relieved to have that safety net but he also knew he couldn’t use it unless Hermione really messed up. He didn’t want to become known as someone who had it out for a Gryffindor muggle-born student for little to no genuine reason other than Harry’s general dislike of her. Obviously, he couldn’t tell others why he really had such problems with her. But it was perfectly acceptable for Harry to dislike her, since plenty of others did, for Hermione’s grating personality and know-it-all attitude.

“Sign up over here,” Ernie called, waving Hermione over. He and Justin had volunteered to be the club’s secretaries and keep track of all the paperwork. Hermione rushed over to add her name to the list, the last to do so.

Harry inhaled a deep, calming breath while he stepped to the side-table and served himself a cup of tea. He bit into a biscuit as he observed the children around him. Most were chatting with others of their own House while some were side-eyeing the Slytherins in the room somewhat warily, but Harry vowed to change that attitude as soon as possible. Once he’d finished his tea and biscuit, Harry stepped up to the middle of the room and cleared his throat.

“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen,” Harry said with a wide smile, “to the Culture Club. Please, everyone, find a comfortable seat and we’ll get started.”

There was a short moment of chaos as everyone moved at once but before long all were seated in a semi-circle around the room. And with a few students on pillows on the floor and others squeezed four to a sofa there was room for everyone.

Harry had a wooden chair to himself and he looked at all the expectant faces staring at him. “I thought we’d start by quickly introducing ourselves. I’ll start. Hi, I’m Harry Potter and I’m a half-blood and muggle-raised. My muggle aunt told me what she knew about the wizarding world, but it wasn’t much and I keep running into things I don’t know.” For this Harry used examples from his previous life, because he had genuinely felt like he’d been dumped in an unknown foreign country without a proper tourist guide. “Like certain drinks or foods I’ve never heard of and don’t know what they are, books or authors I don’t know but that the wizard-raised kids around me grew up with, singers and bands and songs I’m not familiar with but people expect me to know.” Harry chuckled while he saw students like Dean and Justin, and even Hermione, nod in agreement. “It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it? Anyway, that’s why I’m here, to teach and learn each other’s culture. Neville, you’re up.”

Neville swallowed, looked around the room with wide eyes, but once he started talking he only stuttered over the first few words. After that, he got more confident. “Hi, I’m Neville Longbottom, pureblood, raised in the wizarding world, and I’d like to learn about all the muggle references my friends Harry and Justin are always making and I haven’t a clue about. That’s it.”

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