-New team?-

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(??? POV)
I been in a deep thought bcs our wing spiker got injured and we cant play without him so captain decides to find people that can be wing spiker honestly i was the only one he ask to do it but like ok cause i can do what i want to do...My thought stop when a certain tangerine boy  bump to me like he was looking for something....'Hey are ok?' since he's small he most likely to fall back 'Yeah im ok' He said it makes my heart beat fast maybe i was nervous since i dont know him? But im never nervous infront of people i just brush it off..'So seems like you are looking for something what it is i will help you!'
I said cheerfully 'Yeah i was looking for the principal office' he said i guess his new 'well the principal office was here' i pointed to my left
(Hinata's POV)
'Oh thank you' all i said while mentally screaming to my self 'No problem and can i ask what's your name?'The boy said 'Oh how rude of me im Hinata Shoyo' i said cheerfully 'Aww your so cute btw my name is Nermon'I got red when he says im cute well honestly i was called cute before but only girls says so i got pretty embarrassed..'So i will wait for you outside so i can show you your classroom'He says 'What?! Its fine really you dont have to'I said bowing 'No i insist' he said i just give up knowing he will do it anyway..After i got my schedule and were like classmate to all the subject so we together go to the classroom..I knock and the teacher make me introduce myself'Hi my name is Hinata Shoyo!' i said smiling 'So any questions?' Said the teacher a girl raised her hand 'Do you play sports?' she said 'well i was play volleyball' i said not wanting to cry infront i just cant get over about that then a boy raise his hand ' what position are you?' the boy said kinda curious 'Well i was middle blocker and wing spiker!' they seem suprise bcs of my height i already knew that would be there reaction...'Really?!' a boy shouted which is Nermon 'can you show how high your jump?!' Nermon ask 'Yeah sure' i places my bag down and jump as high i can to reach the celing...Well Nermon got happy idk why...(Lets skip the class since i dont have an idea what to do and its boring)
(lunch time) (Nobody's POV)
'So your telling me they dont trust you?' Nermon said 'Well yes but i will get over it soon' Hinata said kinda sad at the beginning and began smiling 'I have a question can you pls join the volleyball team'Nermon said while bowing 'What?!'
A shout whisper by a certain Tangerine 'pls' Nermon said begging "Well its not bad to have a new team right? I dont know if im ready but having new team would make me forget about the others right"Hinata's said in his mind...
(Im sorry if it was short i got school and i type this fast)
-Yowz im out

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