LITTLE RED RIOT pt. 4 (KiriBaku)

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Requested by: Crystal_Sakura245

Hopefully, this will be the last part ┐( ˘ 、 ˘ )┌


"What's my role again?"

"You're the adoptive relative, Shouto-kun,"

"Wasn't that Katsuki?"

"I'm the real relative, you moron! Deku can't have a blood-relative with two colors for hair,"

Izuku shook his head in exasperation before giving Inko a hopeless look as the two hybrids started quarreling; Inko just gave him an encouraging smile before he turned to Kirishima who was awkwardly standing beside her, watching how the siblings bicker.

Since it was already known to the village that Kirishima was alive and staying at the Midoriya's for a while, his friends have decided to give him a visit as the redhead insisted to stay with the Midoriya's for a little longer.

But with Katsuki and Shouto's presence being unknown by the village, the Midoriya's and Kirishima had to convince the two hybrids to pretend that they're Izuku's second-degree cousin on Hisashi's side of the family with Katsuki being the blood-related cousin due to his similar hair color with Hisashi's hair and Shouto being his step-brother.

The four of them came up with the story of having an abusive step-father after their mother, which was Hisashi's first-degree cousin, remarried for the third time before passing away.

"How unfortunate a woman can be to remarry for the third time," Shouto had commented during the discussion.

"It was either she was ugly as hell that the guy couldn't stand her face or she really wasn't on cupid's good graces," Katsuki seconded.

Nevertheless, they stuck to that story and were reviewing their story while they waited for Kirishima's friends to arrive.

"I'm really sorry about this, Midoriya," Kirishima said, guilt setting in as he saw how the werewolves struggled to keep their composure once they sensed that humans are traveling through the forest and headed to their direction, "I should've just went to the village to spend time with them, I could always come back and--"

"It's okay, Kirishima-kun," Midoriya said with a smile. "It's better than have Kacchan and Shouto-kun hide whenever they come here,"

Kirishima nodded with a smile before looking at Katsuki and Shouto who was still in the middle of an argument, a feeling of uneasiness sets in his stomach for an unknown reason.


"You've got a nice place Midoriya," Kaminari said as Izuku and Inko served the whole group some refreshments after traveling through the forest.

"Thanks," Izuku answered with a smile, handing over a drink to Shinsou. "Living in the middle of the forest is kind of convenient since we have unlimited access to the basic resources we need like food and water,"

"And it's quiet too," Jiro said pointed out. "You have no loud neighbors or rowdy housemates that are always into trouble,"

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