Chapter 1

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They're dead. Like actually gone. I lost him, my best friend. The only person I had left. I lost him. My thoughts were jumbled as I sat down on the chair next to Pope. I turn to see him putting his hand on Kie's.  I turn around, another pang hitting me, and then I scolded myself. This wasn't the time to worry about what Pope and Kie were doing together. 

This was about John B. And with that thought, I saw Pope's parents run in with Kie's not far behind. I squinted to try and see if there was anyone behind them. But in my heart I knew he wasn't gonna be here. I mean of course my pops wouldn't even care, but sometimes it felt like he might. That was when it hurt the most. I ran after Shoupe, taking out my anger on him. In the end it didn't matter, John B was dead. I lost the best friend I had ever had. 

Kiara's POV

I felt Pope's hand resting on mine and felt an urge to pull away. Sure I had kissed him, but right now I had no idea what I was feeling, and I surely wasn't feeling romantic. So I pulled my hand away, trying to ignore Pope's sad expression. We were all feeling defeated. But the thing that really hurt was seeing JJ with no one to hug, no one to hold. He never had that. So A little smile was brought to my face when I saw Heyward bring JJ into a hug. The smile was short lived when the reality of it all came crashing down on me. John B and Sarah were gone. And I would never see them again. 

When what seemed like hours later came along, we all sat next to each other in the tent, still absorbing the shock of the situation. Heyward was the first to speak. 

"Kids, parents, I know it's goin to be a rough night, but we should all get home and get our clothes dry. We should get some rest."

A few blank glances were cast by JJ, Pope and I. But my parents started to get up and grabbed my hand. 

"kie," My mom whispered, "You know he's right".  Sure I knew he was right. Did I feel like leaving my best friends right now? No, no of course not. I looked up at my dad, and was surprised to find tears running down his cheeks. He hated my friends or, I thought he did. So I decided to go with them. 

Turning around, I looked at Pope with a solemn smile. And then I glance over to JJ, who's playing with his thumbs while he stares blankly out to sea. Then it hits me, JJ doesn't have anything. Or anybody. He can't crash at his house, he just stole his dad's boat. John B's? That will be way to painful. Maybe Heyward will give him a place to stay? But the thing is he doesn't have enough money to support another boy. So I give in and try to focus on the boy that's right in front of me. 

"Mom", I say quietly. I haven't said a word since it happened, so my parents turn to me in shock. 

"Yes sweetie"

"Mom you need to let JJ stay at our house." I mumble. Then I take a deep breath. 

"Mom you need to let JJ stay at our house." I say, with a crack in my voice. 

My dad's face hints a scowl forming, but it slowly fades as he looks at me. He understands. 

My mom looks proud of me. 

My mom speaks first. "Hun, he doesn't have anywhere el-"

"I know" My dad interrupts, looking back to JJ.  "He can stay, at least for tonight."

My lips tug up in the makings of a smile as I go to tell JJ. The smile's gone by the time I reach the troubled boy. He barely even looks up. 

"oh, hey Kie" 

"JJ, come on" I say grabbing his arm gently. 

He looks up, confused at first, but then he lets me guide him away from the bench. He taps Pope on the shoulder and gives him a mini salute before turning back to me. I give Pope a small smile before heading back to my mom and dad. 

"Lets go then" My mom says getting in her car. 

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