Chapter 4

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"Do we all understand? If Dream wins, Techno plays the violin for us. If Techno wins, Dream plays the piano for us," George said to the group.

'Why am I doing this?' Techno thought to himself. 'How did I get myself into this situation.' Both Techno and Dream had wanted the other to play their instrument, but neither wanted to play themselves. This ended up in the others deciding they would have a 1v1 to see who would have to play their instrument.

"Alright," Techno said, monotony dripping from his voice. He had to seem like he didn't care if he lost, when in fact he did.

"Let's go then," Dream responded.

The group of people who had gathered made their way to where the duel would be happening. Cresting the hill, the grandiose mansion Skeppy had built came in to view. They would be duelling in the garden, as it was the flattest area near them. Two statues adorned the area, holding flaming torches as they knelt as if to acknowledge the presence of the two warriors.

The two fighters took their places, both on opposite sides of a path running down the centre. They stood ready, waiting for George to count them both down. The rest of the people present were chatting, theorising about who would win. At one point, Sapnap said that Techno was trash at 1.16 PvP so thus Dream would win. This elicited a "Hey, I can hear you," from the pig.

Techno was stood at his position, watching Dream intently. He wondered how the other could be so nonchalant about the fight. Did he not realise what was on the line? You'd think if Dream was so adamant about not playing the piano for the others, then he'd be displaying a bit more interest in the fight. Instead, he was looking around aimlessly, as if imagining himself in another place. 'Maybe it's because confident that he will win,' he told himself. But if he were confident, would he not be showing it? Techno didn't know why Dream seemed so indifferent to what was about to happen, but he didn't want to spend too long thinking about it, because the fight was about to start.

"Both fighters, are you ready?" George yelled, not expecting an answer. "In 3, 2, 1, GO!"

Both fighters set off as the word go was yelled. Racing towards each other, they both made contact, their shields pressed up against each other's. Dream pushed Techno away from him, and took a swing with his axe, trying to bring his shield down. He was successful, able to get a hit on Techno, but not before Techno got his own hit on Dream. The two fighters continued to exchange blows, hoping they could out-tank the other. Before long, Techno realised that Dream simply did more damage and that he would have to get some additional hits in to win. Disengaging, Techno pulled out his crossbow to try and catch Dream off-guard. He managed to do so, hitting the other while he was chasing after him. Techno once again ran at Dream, hoping to score some axe crits while Dream was still caught out.

This continued for a minute or so before both were reduced to one or two hearts. Realising that he would die if both were to hit each other, Techno took out his sword. He needed to set Dream on fire to have a chance of killing him, even if it was after he had died. Running towards Dream, sword in hand, he made his final attempt at killing the other. He managed to hit Dream with the sword, setting him on fire, but Dream quickly hit back with his axe, killing Techno.

"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!" Dream exclaimed, the passion in his voice not matching the lack of passion before the fight. Techno just hoped that what he had tried would work.

However, the sword had left Dream on so little health that he had no time to put himself out, and he burnt to death after Techno had died.

"AHHAHAHAHHAA YES, I WIN TOO" Techno yelled after having killed Dream.

"Wait no, I killed him first, so I win. He has to play the violin." Dream didn't want to consider the thought of having to play the piano for Techno. Would he like it? He didn't want to disappoint him.

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