Age 7

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Geez kids are hard to write about (from the POV of). You don't wanna make them dumb and clueless, but you don't want them to be completely aware of what's going on and genius level smart. 


       Empire Day, also known as my birthday, also known as the worst day in the universe. When I was a lot younger it was fun, normal kid fun but now I'm 7 and am learning more than I want to know.

       I stare out the window watching the night sky shift. I can hear the music from the Imperial parade. All citizens are expected to go, but we never have. My parents are sending out a broadcast at the moment. Tseebo doesn't do much, he tries to stop my parents. He went to his own home for today. My thoughts are interrupted but a hard knock on the door.

       "Open the door! This building has been reported for rebel activity!" I don't know what to do. The people behind the door don't sound like my parent's friends.

       "Ezra get over here quick!" I hear Mom yell from the hiding spot, a big hole in the ground. It's where they do their broadcasts. Dad climbs out as I'm set inside. Mom holds my hand and gives me something. An orange chip, the key to the door. (Idea from a Youtube fan making of Ezra's parent's disappearance) Tears fill her eyes as smoke fills the room. I climb down the ladder quickly and look up but the seat cushion covers the hole. The room is completely dark, I can only hear the voices above.

       "Mira and Ephraim Bridger, you are under arrest for treason. We have data that a child is in this establishment." I hear a man state loudly. I creep back further into the hole. It's super dark but I'm not scared.

       "I don't know where he is." Dad says. He's lying to protect me! What's gonna happen to them? Where are they going? So many questions race through my head. Eventually the footsteps disappear and the voices fade away.

       I climb up the ladder as quietly as I can and push the cushion away a little bit, enough I can see out. The house is a mess, smoke covers the ground lightly, glass shards are spread out near the kitchen. They're gone. The Empire took them. 

So I did get the idea of the house key from a fan video. I know lots of people have different theories/opinions on how Ezra's parents went away but this is mine.  

The Force will be with you... Always.

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