Age 14: Part 1

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So this Story isn't short. It's quite long, so I'm separating it into two parts. 


       I joined a crew a couple days ago, the Ghost crew to be exact. I don't know what I was thinking, living with other people. Helping those in need; I did that on my own but not to the scale these people are. I never did anything that would get me killed.

       I look out over the fields quietly. It's the middle of the night but oddly enough I always feel safer at night. Like the darkness protects me. I sit in the dirt and pick at the small new blades of grass.

       I'm scared to be honest. I want to become a Jedi and fight the Empire, but I've never left Lothal before Kessel. I sigh and look up at the sky, the stars shine brightly, the two moons float above my head.

       How can I let myself get close to these people? Everyone that got close to me left or died. Moreena, Ferpil, my parents. Everyone.


       Ezra's our newest recruit on The Ghost. He's a young street-rat from Lothal, however he's extremely strong with the Force and I've been delaying his training. Not because I think he's incapable of learning, but because I'm scared of teaching.

       I never finished my own training, how can I teach someone of his abilities? It worries me, by adding him to our crew we've painted a big red target on his back.

       I've had enough of sitting in my cabin meditating. I open my eyes and let them adjust to the darkness in the room before standing up and to stretch my half asleep legs. I walk out of my room trying to step lightly. I really don't want to wake up Hera or Sabine, either one of them would rip my hair out.

       I step by Zeb and Ezra's room and don't feel Ezra's presence, he's not in there. It's the middle of the night where could the kid go? I walk into the Common room to check, then the kitchen, and the cockpit. I start to get a little worried as I slide down the ladder into the Cargo Pit.

       I walk across the landing and look into the dark Cargopit, Ezra's not in there but I hear a quiet cough from down below. I realize the dim light is coming from outside and the ramp is lowered. Hera must have left it open tonight.

       I climb down the rest of the ladder and look down the ramp. I see Ezra's distinctly blue hair in the moonlight. His brown jacket lay next to him, and his jumpsuit sleeves are tied around his waist. No wonder he's coughing, he took all his layers off, he only has a short sleeve shirt on. I walk up behind him. He jumps slightly not realizing I was there.

       "What are you doing up?" I ask him sitting down next to him. In the moon's light I realize how small he is, his arms are skin and bone. Result of living on the street for 8 years. He looks down.

       "I don't sleep." He replies shallowly, I blink slowly and look out to the fields. Ezra shifts uneasily. He has a few behavioural patterns I've noticed over the couple days. He doesn't eat and he's always looking over his shoulder. Now I can add not sleeping onto the pile.

       "Why's that?" I interrupt my own train of thought and counter with another question. He shrugs.

       "Never have really. Maybe just out of habit." I can tell he's lying, I can sense his unease as well as see it.

       "I know what it's like. To live on the streets, you don't have to lie to me." I look down at him gently and tell him one of my secrets I keep from most people. He stares up at me in disbelief.

       "I don't want to talk about this." He hardens his gaze and looks back out to the fields, tucking his knees into his chest. I sigh and stand back up. I turn and walk to the ladder, I catch Ezra glancing over his shoulder at me before climbing, to go to sleep myself.

For those who haven't read Ezra's Gamble or Ezra's Rebel Journal. Ferpil was Ezra's mentor on the streets. He taught Ezra everything about pickpocketing. I totally suggest reading the books, they're really good. 

The Force will be with you... Always. 

(Do I sound like a total dork adding that bit to all of my story parts?) 

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