‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ draco ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

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songs: "we fell in love in october" -girl in red, "platform nine-and-three-quarters and the journey to Hogwarts"

Autumn, 1991

It was a nice, crisp autumn morning. Getting to Platform Nine and Three Quarters at precisely 10:45, I had no need to rush. I speed walked after my father, following his long, blonde hair and the sounds of his snake-jeweled walking cane. Near the back of the train, where it was quiet, I wordlessly watched as our house elf loaded my trunk onto the train, smirking when he struggled with pushing it on. My mother hugged me, her long platinum hair wafting the smell of daffodils towards me. 

I would never admit it out loud, but I'll miss my mother while I'm gone.

"Draco," my father calmly called, "come here."

I walked away from my mother towards him.

"Now Draco, you must not disappoint me," he purred, "Do not taint our family name and long-upheld tradition of Slytherins. You must be a Slytherin. Understand?"

"Yes, father," I replied blandly. I've already heard him tell me this many times before.

"Now there is something important you must know," he said softly, "Harry Potter will be joining you at Hogwarts this year."

My pale grey eyes flashed. Harry Potter? Oh, this will be a very interesting year indeed...

"You must understand that he could be very useful to us, yes?"

"Yes, father," I repeat again.

"Good. Now get on the train, and find yourself some acquaintances that may be of value to you."

I did not say goodbye to my parents. I simply did as I was told, and found myself two dumb, but perfectly useful cronies who could protect me when necessary. When the train left the station, I told myself not to look back as to show weakness, but I couldn't help it--I sneaked a peek when I knew they were too far away to see--but they were already gone. Pushing down the disappointment, I heard the compartment door slide open and noticed a figure out of the corner of my eye:

"Oh-hi! I was wondering if I could sit here...are you saving that seat?" blurted the over enthusiastic girl.

I heard Crabbe and Goyle snicker, but I did not really care who she was. "Who are you?" I replied. I wasn't really paying attention.

"I'm Wisteria Altherr. It's my first time to Hogwarts! And...who are you?"

Altherr...that name sounded familiar. It clicked. Altherr! It was- "Stefan Altherr's daughter?" I smirked, turning to Crabbe and Goyle, "Stefan works in the Ministry too. In support staff. Support staff! He's an assistant!" 

The two idiots laughed, but I sighed internally as I could tell they had no idea what was so amusing to me.

I turned to the girl, really seeing her for the first time. She was wearing a white skirt, with green plaid patterns on it, and a matching cardigan that flattered her collarbones. Her hair was dark brown, almost black, and wavy, but what surprised me was her emerald green eyes, which popped out in contrast to her pale complexion. 

I shook off my observations, I had no reason to think too deeply about her...

"So, what even are you?" Judging by her looks, she looked to be a pureblood, but one could never be sure..

"Oh! My mum's from Taiwan, and my dad's from Switzerland! They met each other on vacation and moved to Essex!" She smiled widely.

Oh Merlin, shes stupid.

"No, idiot, what is your blood status?"

"I-", she stuttered over her words, her smile was now fading, "I'm a half-blood."

Embarrassing. "Get. Out." I said coldly.

She stopped for a second before rushing out, and I thought I saw tears in her eyes..maybe I was too harsh...No! What was I thinking? She's irrelevant...

As I stared outside watching the countryside blur past me, listening to Crabbe and Goyle blubber, the scarlet train chugged along the country, holding in it one confusing, half-blood girl, and one rueful, silver-eyed boy.

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