Part 9 - Humble Boys and Vegan Salads

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Author's note:

Thanks for the reads babes, sorry for all the mess and confusion. I had to rewrite the end and I changed it up a bit. Hope you enjoyy .xx

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Nidhi's POV

11 pm, that night

I toss and turn in my bed. Taz is fast asleep, to my left. I poke her arm. That girl could sleep through a hurricane.

I groan and sit up. My head was pounding and my stomach grumbled. Elizabeth and Anna were still downstairs at the indoor pool. I could stop at the restaurant downstairs to get something to eat, and then go see them.

I hear Taz mumble something incoherently. Leaning over to try to make sense of what she's saying, I see a bouquet of red roses on the floor next to her.

Well damn. I wonder who those are from.

"Prakash," she says. "Could you show me that dance move again? I just can't get it."

I didn't know she talked in her sleep. I laugh and take a video of her and put it on My Story on Snapchat.

Getting out of bed, I walk into the tiny bathroom and wash my face with ice cold water.

I glance up at my reflection. My eyes are bloodshot and the dark circles under them were terrible. I reach under the sink for Taz's makeup bag.

Eyeliner? No. Hmm... Mascara? Ugh. Where's the concealer? I find the slender tube and apply some of it under my eyes.

I can't go downstairs looking like a zombie, I thought.

I decide to put on some mascara and let my hair fall down my back. I walk back into the room and search my suitcase for something suitable to wear. I don't feel like swimming, so I just put on a floral shirt, a pair of light wash jeans, and my combat boots. I grab my phone and wallet, and I'm out the door.


The restaurant looks mostly empty, and I sigh in relief. It closes in twenty minutes. I sit at the bar, not planning to drink of course but not wanting to sit alone at a table.

"I'll have the vegan salad please," I say to the waiter.

He jots down my order and disappears behind a set of doors leading to the kitchen.

I look around the restaurant, admiring its tall, clean windows and pretty chandeliers before plugging in my headphones and busying myself scrolling through Instagram.

I hum gently and play with the cloth napkin in front of me. Out of the corner of my eye I see the chair next to mine being pulled away. A cute boy a few inches taller than me with dark hair and creamy light brown skin sees me staring and gives me a shy, small smile.

I blush and turn away. Focus, Nidhi. FOCUS. Trying to ignore him, I pretend to be deeply interested in my phone.

He sits down, completely silent.

The waited sets my salad and a glass of water in front of me. My mouth waters. Yummm. I thank him.

The waiter, whose name tag says "Luke", smiles and goes back to washing dishes.

After about a minute, I glance over at the boy, only to find him staring.

Why is he staring?

Okay act cool, act cool. You got this.

"Umm... do I have something on my face?" I ask casually. Nailed it.

He laughs and smirks.

"No," he replies.

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