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Aldric couldn't stand and watch as the poor thing struggled. He glanced around as he reached the bottom of the sheer ledge. Why weren't its parents keeping a watch over the vulnerable infant? Aldric clenched his fists, breathed in deeply and reached upwards.

'What are you doing?' shouted Evie as Aldric hurdled up the cliff side. It was far more slippery than he had anticipated and his feet slid.

'Be careful,' shouted K as she and Evie ran to the foot of the wall. Staring up whilst the Ripto's fearful blue eyes stared down. Aldric reached a hand towards the egg, supporting it as he tried to steady himself, but the ice was causing the climb to be treacherous. A few more times he slipped, grazing his wrists. Aldric writhed. To the others, he probably looked like he was about to attempt an elaborate somersault. He stuffed the egg down his jacket and reached out his hand. The cub's paws clutched at the air.

Its parent had appeared, and caught Aldric off guard, causing him to topple dangerously towards some sharp rocks. K gasped and covered her face as Aldric fell, his jacket protecting him a little. He scrambled against the ice as he slid further down, reached for a support and found a ledge. He caught himself on it just before he reached the most deadly dip. Aldric stared up at the sky as the pair of Riptos soared away from him. The cub was safe and clinging onto its mothers brown fluffy belly. Just as he thought it was safe to start climbing down, the mother swooped back down upon him. Aldric, who had not been expecting the attack, automatically reached for his sword.

'No!' Raiden yelled whilst running back towards them and throwing a stone. 'Don't attack it!'

Aldric yelped as the stone hit him in the forehead causing pinpricks of light to dance in front of his eyes.

'Watch it,' he shouted before pulling himself onto the rocky ledge.

The Ripto landed below, poised to strike. But Aldric was no longer the focus of attention. Instead, the Ripto had developed an interest in the three observers staring back up at her. Raiden crept forwards, his gaze unwavering. The Ripto lowered her head at Raiden who had begun to chant soft words that Aldric did not understand.

The Ripto raised her head and her eyes became tame. Aldric climbed back down the mountain, collecting his sword from the snow. The egg rubbed against the rough material of his shirt. He pulled it out in front of him, approached the Ripto and placed it by her paws.

'Come on,' Raiden said as he rushed forward and climbed onto the Ripto's back. 'There's enough room for all of us.'

'What?' exclaimed Evie. 'Have you gone mad?'

'Always,' he grinned at her. 'Don't worry. She's safe now.'

'How'd you do that?' asked K.

'A little trick I picked up at Zace-Ella Academy,' he replied.

Aldric put his hand on the massive stump of a leg and when he was positive the Ripto was no longer aggressive, he rubbed the fur affectionately. K and Evie helped each other aboard. They were followed by Aldric who needed to adjust his sword so that it did not pose as a jabbing hazard whilst they were on their flight. He had only just climbed up when Raiden gave the word to fly. Startled, he slipped. K grabbed his hand. Readjusting himself, Aldric held on tight, listening to the Ripto cub squealing gleefully on its mother's underbelly. The egg was safe and back in the clutches of tiny paws.

As they travelled, Aldric spotted the sun beams gleaming through huge transparent buildings, projecting dozens of tiny rainbows throughout the purest and bluest sky he had ever seen. The roofs of the buildings coming into view were white, sparkling and soft. They looked as if they could avalanche down the sides of the buildings at any moment. As they loomed closer to the city, a marvellous spire could be seen, reaching into the clouds. The wind howled through his ears and his stomach leapt to his head as the wild Ripto hurtled its whole body towards the angelic city below. The air was so cold that it burnt. An immense flurry of snowflakes bombarded Aldric's head, leaving their impression in his hair.

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