Fun Run

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I was running.
Running from Peeta.
After his hands locked around my throat, I managed to knock him in the ribs with my elbow. It didn't give me much time to regain my breath, but as I stumbled away from him, my back slamming against the wall, I fumbled with the door and threw it open, running down the hall.
Peeta's footsteps were gaining on mine. My head was spinning, the air still not circulating through my lungs properly.
There was no one down here, no one to stop Peeta. Everyone was working; fixing the places the bombing from the Capitol had weakened. I, being the stubborn girl I am, had gone down to visit Peeta earlier than I was supposed to. But I couldn't help it; I missed him.

I certainly wasn't expecting this as our reunion.

My heart was pounding in my chest. I felt like someone was sticking a knife into my side, stabbing me again and again.
Peeta's growls ripped through the pattern of our footsteps, hitting against the concrete floors. This once gentle, sweet bakery boy.
Now, gone, destroyed.
Not destroyed-
That's what they called it, hijacked.

Prim's words echo through my head as I push myself further.
"Whatever it takes to break you," she had said.
Well they've done it. The Capitol has broken me. Peeta wants me dead. He's screaming at me, and I feel his fingers brush my shirt, trying to grab me.
"MUTT!" He yells.
A moan of pain slips through my lips, the word echoing through my head. Peeta sees me as nothing now, nothing but a mutt. To him, I am the one who has killed all these people. I am the one who tried to kill his family; I'm the one who tried to kill him. I now hear another sound, something bumping as we run. I took a chance and glanced back, seeing a gun in Peeta's hands.

Why isn't he shooting me?

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