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The next morning, classes had begun. They were all sat with the Gryffindors for class. Kiara was drinking a blood bag.

"Miss Petrova Parker if you could please uh stop that"

"What? Would you rather I drink yours?"

Kiara appeared behind him.

"That won't be necessary please get back-"

She was back in her seat.

"Right then. Everyone please gather ingredients"

Everyone got up and Kiara floated the ingredients to her. She finished her potion in 5 minutes.


Everyone stared at her. Snape came by and looked at it.

"It's... perfect"

"I know. I've made it a million times"

She began doing stuff on her phone.

"Stop using your muggle device"

He tried to take it from her. She grabbed his neck and slammed him against a wall.

"Don't touch my stuff"

Her head lit itself on fire and her eyes were a sunset orange.

"Or I'll kill you the next time I see you"

She let go and the fire disappeared.

"I'm just gonna go since I'm done"

She disappeared. After class, Draco came up to her in the hall.


"Snape's terrified of you"

"I'm aware"

She tried to leave. He grabbed her shoulder. She grabbed his neck and pushed him against the wall.


He looked terrified. To her surprise, she couldn't bring herself to do anything. She let go of him.

"Something is wrong with me"

She disappeared. He was confused but he went on with his day. She was sat in her room. She spent a long time thinking about why she couldn't hurt Draco. It was almost a feeling of being scared for his life. After she spent a long while thinking, she had an idea of the reason. She decided to go and eat lunch.

"See you've finally decided to join us"

"Shut up blondie"

"So what happened? Why didn't you do anything to hurt me?"

"I don't know. Just drop it or otherwise I'll change my mind."

"You know before you got here, everyone was the most scared of me"

"Sorry to break it to you, you're not that scary"

Crabbe and Gould began snickering. Draco gave them a look and they immediately stopped. Kiara laughed.

"You're as intimidating as a teddy bear."

They talked for another couple minutes before they heard a scream and then a neck snap. Katherine walked in.

"Did you miss me?"

Kiara laughed and ran up to hug her mother.

"Hi mum"

"So how's it going here?"

"Boring as hell"

"It's school what'd you expect"

"So why are you here"

"Just stopped by the Salvatores. Always fighting about something those two"

"You pretended to be Elena didn't you"

The two of them laughed. Draco walked up to them.

"Who exactly are you?"

"I'm Katherine Pierce. What do you want?"

"Well everyone else is too scared to come and ask"

"Leave my mother and I alone blondie"

Draco went and sat back down.

"So why didn't you compel him?"

"I don't know. I just feel like I can't do anything to him"

Katherine chuckled.

"You'll figure it out. I know you know deep down what it is"

Kiara blushed. Her mum hugged her.

"Gotta go now. There's stuff your father and I have to do. Have fun"

She winked and disappeared.

"So that's your mum"

"Yes. Now got anything to eat?"


Kiara rolled her eyes. She spotted Pansy.


She moved her hand and Pansy floated towards her. She drank some of her blood.

"Thanks for lunch"

She dropped her onto the ground and left. She walked around for a while, and then spotted two people fighting. She walked over to them. It was Draco and another guy. Someone called him Harry, so she assumed that was him.

"Blondie. Stop fighting"

They both didn't listen. Her hand set on fire and she threw a fireball at them. They both dodged it and it burned the wall.

"Stop acting like children."

She walked over to Harry her hands were on fire.

"If you fight my friend again I'll burn you to a crisp"

He ran off with his friends. She grabbed Draco's hand and in a second they were in her room.


He sat on the bed.

"Why'd you stop our fight"

"I don't know blondie"

Yesssss our queen Katherine came to visit! She's still bothering the Salvatore brothers😂 hope you guys enjoyed!

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