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Why are friendships so hard?
Do I even deserve them?
One moment it’s too much
Then its not enough
Where’s the middle ground?
You either feel you’re in
Or you’re just left out

No one stays forever
All I think about is being left
You’re being too complicated
What do you want?
Enough space for me to be me
But also a friend that understands me
The scale is so easily tipped
Am I not good enough

Reshape me into what you want
Add the ingredients
I’m not perfect as I am
So make me
Reform me
Destroy me
And maybe you’ll get what you want
A friend you’ve always wanted
A perfect concoction
A product of your manifestation

Then will I not feel alone?
Sacrificing who I am
To keep the people I want most
They’ll just see who they want to see
While I am breaking down internally

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