voice of an angel ✿

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your date with kurapika is interrupted by a rainstorm, and you rekindle memories from the hunter exam...


The light tapping on your door interrupted your train of thought. Sighing, you placed the glass of water down, the droplet you had suspended in the air falling back into the cup with a plop ! Pattering across your small apartment, you cracked the door open and peeked out. Your boyfriend smiled calmly at you, and you practically flung the door open, burying yourself in his embrace.

"Pika !" You nestled your head into his shoulder, inhaling his scent. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, planting a kiss on your (h/c) hair. 

"Hello, (Y/N). I've missed you." You let out a small contented hum, and pulled away to stare at him. You pouted, and Kurapika grinned at you, his eyes curious.

"Why are you always so gorgeous ?" You sulked, twirling a piece of his blond hair around your fingers. He laughed, a beautiful tinkling sound that made your heart flutter. 

"You're too kind, (Y/N). You're the gorgeous one." You blushed, and averted your eyes. "Are you ready to go ?" He gazed at you, awaiting your response. 

"Yeah ! Just give me a second." You raced back into your apartment, pulling on a pair of shoes, and fluffing your hair. You gave yourself a once-over, and quickly grabbed your bag, as to not keep the beautiful man outside your apartment waiting. Locking the door behind you, the two of you set off to the park to meet up with your friends. You had gone to the hunter exam about 4 years ago, and met Kurapika, as well as his companions. You, Gon and Killua had immediately bonded, and you treasured your sibling-like relationship with them. You smiled as you fondly remember singing Gon and Killua to sleep one rainy night, when the 5 of you had been stuck in a cave. 


"(Y/N) !" A small voice caught your attention over the sound of the pouring rain. You turned to see Killua motioning you with his hand, holding back a layer of ivy, revealing the entrance of a cave. You tugged on Kurapika's wrist, motioning you to follow him. The five of you clambered into the spacious cave, examining your surroundings. You wrung out your soaking hair, watching Gon snoop around in search for who knows what. 

"Guys ! I found some sticks and branches !" Gon held up some dry sticks, and threw them in the center of the cave. He immediately began to attempt at making fire, as Leorio slumped against the wall. 

"Jeez, the worst possible way to spend the night on Zevil Island." He began drawing shapes in the dirt with his finger glumly. You had all met up on a stormy night, after Killua, Gon, and Kurapika had collected their badges. You and Leorio were left without a clue as to where your  targets were, but you had remained calm. Your target was a shrimpy looking man, labeled number 172, which you had no doubt was hiding somewhere near the entrance. You had decided to branch off in the morning and swipe it and return to the cave. However, your main focus was getting warm. Killua and Gon were arguing over what the best way to start a fire was, while you shivered, and hugged your legs to your chest. Kurapika sat next to you, his blond hair plastered against his forehead. He removed his tabbard, revealing the white training garbs underneath. He raked his hand through his soaked tresses, and let out a sigh. The sound of a roaring fire perked at your keen ears, and you stared at Gon, who wore a triumphant smile. 

"We did it !" Killua flicked his forehead. 

"You mean, I did it, you idiot !" Gon rubbed his head, and you chuckled at their antics. You began peeling off your soaked clothes, leaving you in a tank top and shorts. You laid out your sweater and cargo pants to dry, and motioned for everyone to do the same. Soon enough, you were all huddled together in your underclothes, desperate for warmth. Gon readjusted himself, so his head rested on your thighs, as his small body curled up next to you. You ran your hands through his spiky locks, your sisterly touch instantly soothing his nervous state. Leorio had leaned his head against the wall of the cave, and was snoring loudly, as Kurapika tucked his legs to his chest and folded his arms on top. He rested his chin in his arms, staring at the opposite wall. 

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