Part 1

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It was my first day of freshmen year and I already knew I wouldn't mesh with the other kids in my grade. They were all loud and childish , some of the girls even walked around in the mornings eating hot Cheetos and snicker bars. I walked in the school knowing that I would end up with a senior they were more my type of crowd. My first hour was chemistry I made it to class 10 minutes early thinking I could pick my seat but there had already been arrangements I could see the names on the desks from the hall . I walked in the class holding my books with both arms and my oversized cardigan was falling off my shoulders , I had lost weight over the summer but it was my favorite sweater. My hair was all frizzie and my glasses kept sliding down my nose , the deep voice startled me as I made it to the front of the room "Good morning my name is Mr.Stoaks can I have your name please ? " as I looked up I saw this tall dark man with a bow tie and a sweater vest . I stuttered as I answered " Aaaa Aaaa Aaliyah . Aaliyah Simmons "
"Nice to meet you Ms.Simmons " he said " "third seat 2nd row on your desk you will find..." His voice faded and all I heard was the beauty that emerged from his face this man was beautiful and I don't think I've ever seen a beautiful man . He had nice white straight teeth , wide shoulders , and from his pants I could see he was blessed . How could I be feeling like this he is a grown man , and I feel like i can make him as happy as any woman his age . Is he married , will he even take me serious ? The questions I asked my self in my head as the class started to fill I got more and more anxious to slip him my number but it couldn't be too obvious. I go for what i want and I go after it until i get it.
After class had ended I staggered around until the last student was gone . I planned to just come out and say how I wanted to sit on his face but I got scared he might call my mom. so I asked about any extra credit . He gave me the answers I needed , before I left i gave him a look I hoped he knew what it was for otherwise he probably thought my eye was twitching.
The rest of the day all I could think about was fine ass Mr.Stoaks and how I could become apart of his everyday life. It was very weird because I never thought of any guy my age how I thought of Mr.Stoaks . from our brief interaction I felt this connection it was the way his hazel eyes locked into my brown eyes I had to have this man he had to be mine . "Ms.Simmons are you following along ? I would hate to have to call your parents on day 1 " my English teacher called out interrupting my thoughts. She was also best friends with my mom , I was too in Awe over Mr.Stoaks that I lagged to answer her "Yes ma'am , Im sorry you were going over the class rules and expectations" I answered briefly so I could get back in my thoughts about the man who had just become the love of my life . After school was out I went home and straight to my room I was so embarrassed by my thoughts maybe i could sleep off the way I was feeling about my teacher . The next day came and went I didn't see him because of our blocked days I wouldn't see him again until Wednesday, it took everything in me not to drop by and see his face at that point I knew I must have been loosing my mind to think an educated black man his age would even look at 14 year old me .


"GOOD MORNING EVERY ONE" Mr.Stoaks said towering over the class as he walked through " I hope every one had an opportunity to read chapters 1-4 there will be a pop quiz" he said . I was turned on by his ability to be so handsome and carry his self so well I shouted "I READ THE BOOK" my nervous system had a tendency to blurt out unnecessary facts when I feel nervous. The class laughed in unison "settle down settle down class " Mr.Stoaks said he was protecting me from the embarrassment . When class ended I said to my self I was not leaving without giving him this piece of paper that had my phone number written with a little note that said "get a texting app" the hand off was smooth it was almost like the connection i felt was real and he knew exactly what i was doing . When i walked past his second door I briefly looked to see what he had done with the letter I saw him stick it in his brief case. Three days had gone by and no text from my prospective baby daddy . I knew for sure he would be making a call to my parents until I got a text that said " Ms.Simmons you are a beautiful young lady but this is very inappropriate " I replied "If its so inappropriate then why would you text me , the appropriate thing would have been to discard my request there must be a reason for this private conversation" he did not reply to me for a week it made me sick waiting for him to reply to me but when that week passed we set up a meeting to talk about my feelings we had to go to another city to talk because everybody knows everybody in Kansas City .

The Young And Relentless pt. 1

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