The Young And Relentless pt.2

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     It had been about 3 months and these conversations have become so deep. We talk about things past my imagination and I feel like he takes me so serious , he even said if I did not come on so strong he would have let a good thing pass him by . I want to talk about this so bad but I know it will only get him in so much trouble , all of this was my idea so I can't put this out. My best friend is an older girl and I know she would understand , but again I don't want to risk it. We plan on keeping it all low key until we can't even tho we plan on being together for a while . Going to his class every other day got a tad awkward so, I transferred down the hall to Ms.Briscos chemistry class. I must admit she is not as good to look at but I would rather look at her than blurt out while Im in a daze. We fell for each other. Unknowingly on his end , I felt my self preying on him like a lion in the wild it was almost like what we feel was meant to be. Most people wouldn't understand and might even feel anger towards us but your soul loves who your soul has always loved.
   Walking into the school each day is getting old for me . I feel too advanced to be around these children so I've begged my mom for weeks to let me home school. She thinks I should give it a year at least for the experience. Witch is all the more reason not to tell her because she would not understand. She still treats me like im a child James treats me like no one ever has . He is molding me into the woman I need to be for him . We decided not to become intimate until I was ready , I told him I want to wait until im 18 incase anyone found out about us and he is ok with that , I understand he is a man so if he sleeps around occasionally I don't mind. What we have is more than sexual intimacy . Our conversation alone can give us an opportunity to get to know each other for real .
  It's December and im dreading going away for Christmas break. It's bad enough I transferred from James class and I can't see him often. I can't just randomly walk up to him in the halls it would be so awkward , because I know so many personal details about his life. So looking at him would be very fastidious on my behalf. I don't know what I was thinking getting us into this on one end it seems like it was meant to be on the other im afraid I may have ruined his life.
   The relationship I hold with my parents is very strenuous, all my mom does is yell I can never get my point across , and my dad is never really around. Truth be told my mom thinks he is stepping out. Sometimes I feel like she hates me for his mistakes. Being an only, child and not having a good relationship with either parent, falling for James seems like the best that could have ever happened to me . My mom is a Lawyer and my dad is a high end Real Estate agent . They always preach black excellence and how important it is to do my best at everything, yet they are never around. They provide but Im raising my self , work is the most important thing to them. I have everything I could possibly want or need so I feel selfish complaining about not having their company. There is a space that could be filled with their presence, being 14 in a relationship with a 28 year old it's being filled. Soon I won't need any confirmation or reassurance from them. I know what you guys think ... "He is taking advantage of you" "He could never love you you are too young" "He should be in JAIL" You are wrong . I wanted this James didn't even know we could be so right for each other. I found in him what no one else can give me , it was like our souls were aligned. I have only seen him standing up fully clothed in public we communicate only by text , when have you ever seen a connection so strong?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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