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So... The thing that became my life a few months ago! X3 I'm addicted to roleplay, and I love love love it! :D I shall roleplay with anyone and everyone, just reminding chu~! XD Anywho, one thing that really, really confuses me: first person roleplay. This may be because I've never tried it, but I really don't get it. No, I don't mean the '*insert action here*' kind of roleplay, I mean the 'I (insert action). "Hello",' kind of roleplay. The thing I don't get is the 'I' part. You see, we humans haveen't actually acquired the ability to use magical powers yet. XD So, for example, someone goes: 'I froze everything and destroyed nature.' (This hasn't happened before though. XD) And my reply to it wouldn't be a roleplay reply, I'd be speaking as the admin going: 'How the fuck did you kill nature? Have scientists created the power for a human to do that and I never knew?' XD Yep, that's what I would say. I'm not telling anyone to change their roleplay style, I'm just saying that it kinda doesn't make sense to me. :3 And so that is the reason why roleplay should be in third person. *nod nod*

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