Prologue- the mares past

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Mares POV
I look behind me and all the pain from birth is set aside as I see my new foal. As I look closer I notice it's a colt... I've never been so happy in all my life. The stallion moves over towards my foal nose flaring. My legs shake as I struggle to stand, the stallion pokes his head down and snorts at the foal. My instincts kick in and I shoot my ears back and warn the stallion of. He backs up and let's out a huge squeal shooting his ears back as well. We stare for a wile.
"Get out of my heard that's not my foal" he snorts as he moves closer to me, I can feel every breath thrash onto my hide. I step back in recognition, I look down at my foal, and urge him with my nose. He wobbles to his feet, stretching his legs. I lick his Fur clean. his coat becomes clear but it's darker than it should be because he's wet. The stallion stares at me ears back. I sharply Edge the foal into a walk.
"Don't come back" screams the stallion rearing and galloping back to the Heard. I trot away In fear, my prize possession at foot. I think about our future and how much danger we are in without a heard. I stop for a feed now, far from the heard. The foal reaches for a drink. I hear a noise It sounds like sharp bangs coming from my right... I look over and see nothing no heard no kangaroos no nothing. Then I hear a sharp gust of wind coming from behind some trees. I walk over in curiosity my foal at foot. I see a brown box with lights and there are some wired creatures on this box pointing a thick stick in the opposite direction to us. I walk a little further when I notice a hard surface under my hoofs. I step back in fright snapping a small twig under my hoof. The strange creatures stare at me and my foal, talking to each other. But I can't make out what there saying... I step onto a hard surface again Shooting my head down to smell the surface. I think it's okay, so keep going. Stepping cautiously with each stride. I look over at my foal stepping cautiously. we walk closer and closer to these mysterious creatures. I stop suddenly in my tracks, these weird creatures are approaching us, I silently. Step back, but my foal keeps moving. "Stop" I squeal, he looks back at me "I'm gonna be ok" he whinnies. without noticing, one of the strange creatures walks up behind him with a rope in his hand. as the foal looks back the rope is thrown around the foals neck. he screams, loud. I rear up ears pined backwards, I land on my feet and gallop towards the creatures. they put the foal right in front of me. I come to a screeching halt and sniff my foal. the person still with the rope around his neck. I try to bite the rope of but the person shoes me away... they put something agains his head witch unsettles me, I hear a large bang... and my foal and prize possession falls to the ground, in a heap of bones and skin... I stare for a bit, the strange creatures celebrating... I walk over to him and notice his lifeless, I whinny but there is no response, a strange creature walks up to me an waves his arms... I spook and rear pinning the creature to the ground, I rear again putting force into the creature as I plunge back on to him. another creature stares as his mate is lying dead... he pulls out his stick, and I hear a large bang, i feel a unbearable sting in my left shoulder I rear up and gallop away limping with my left leg... as soon as I get far enough away from the human, I lay down in pain... I've lost my first son to those creatures. If ever they come across me... I will kill them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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